United States Civil War

By gorskyj
  • Period: to

    United States Civil War

  • Lawrence M. Keitt speech

    Lawrence M. Keitt speech
    Southern congressman makes a speech stating that "slavery is the corner-stone of the industrial, social, and political fabrics of the south..."
  • Lincolns Speech: Coopers Institute

    Lincolns Speech: Coopers Institute
    Lincoln makes a speech at coopers institute attacking slavery and stating that the federal government has complete power.
  • Abe Lincoln Speech

    Abe Lincoln Speech
    While campaning for presidency, honest abe makes a speech defending the right to strike.
  • Pre-emption Bill

    Pre-emption Bill
    United States Congress passes the Pre-emption bill which provides free land to settlers in the west.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President

    Abraham Lincoln Elected President
    Abraham Lincoln was a representitive from Illinois. He became president as a republican.
  • Independent Nation Formed

    Independent Nation Formed
    Georgia calls for a southern states meeting to discuss becoming an independent nation.
  • South Carolina Seceeds

    South Carolina Seceeds
    South Carolina becomes the first state to seceed from the union.
  • Pres. James Buchanan Resignation

    Pres. James Buchanan Resignation
    After hearing that the secretary of war John Floyd resignation, he requestes to resign as well.
  • Charleston Arsenal

    Charleston Arsenal
    The arsenal at charelston falls into the hands of the union.
  • Charleston Attack

    Charleston Attack
    Southern troops at Charleston get notified by telegraph that union troops are on their way to attck.
  • Charleston Harbor Fired On

    Charleston Harbor Fired On
    The USS Star of the west fired on fort sumter in Charleston harbor.
  • Florida

    Florida seceeds from the union to become a part of the confederate states of america.
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    Jefferson Davis is inagurated as provisional president of the Confederate States of America.
  • Lincoln Inaguration

    Lincoln Inaguration
    Abraham Lincoln is inagurated as president of the United States of America.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The Confederates fire their first shots on Fort Sumter.
  • 75,000

    Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteer soldiers to fight against the Confederates.
  • Tennessee Joins Confederacy

    Tennessee Joins Confederacy
    Tennessee negotiates with the Confederates to join the confederacy.
  • Richmond, VA

    Richmond, VA
    Confederates legislator votes to move the capital to Richmond, Virginia.
  • West Virginia

    West Virginia
    West Virginia is formed by the western counties of Virginia forming a seperate.
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    Jefferson Davis is elected to a six year term as president of the confederacy.
  • Fort Henry

    Fort Henry
    Fort henry is captured by the union army/navy on the tennessee river.
  • Roanoke Island

    Roanoke Island
    Roanoke island is captured by the union.
  • Fort Donelson Surrenderred

    Fort Donelson Surrenderred
    Fort Donelson is surrendered by the confederates on the Cumberland river.
  • Davis official

    Jefferson Davis is officially inagurated as the President of the Confederate States of America.
  • Union Warships Destroyed

    Union Warships Destroyed
    Confederate ironclad Merrimac enters Hampton Roads and destroys union warships.
  • Fort Pulaski

    Fort Pulaski
    Union forces take fort pulaski from the confederates.
  • Farragut Dominates

    Farragut Dominates
    David Farragut and his men capture New Orleans
  • Robert E. Lee Hired

    Robert E. Lee Hired
    Robert E Lee is hired to command an army in Richmond.
  • Harpers Ferry

    Harpers Ferry
    The union losses a battle to the confederates at Harpers Ferry and the confederates gain control of Harpers Ferry.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Official Emancipation

    Official Emancipation
    Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation takes effect.
  • Bread Riots

    Bread Riots
    As food and other supplies run short for the south, bread riots take place in Richmond.
  • West Virginia Addmitted

    West Virginia Addmitted
    West Virginia is addmitted to the union as the 35th state.
  • Gettysburg Begins

    Gettysburg Begins
    The battle of Gettysburg Pennsylvania begins.
  • Gettysburg ends

    Gettysburg ends
    As a turning point of the war for the union, the battle of Gettysburg ends with a union victory.
  • Vicksburg surrenders

    Vicksburg surrenders
    As a result in a loss at Gettysburg, Vicksburg is surrendered to U.S. Grant.
  • Draft Riots begin

    Draft Riots begin
    People begin riot about the draft in New York City.
  • Draft Riots End

    Draft Riots End
    After New York is half destroyed, people stop riotting.
  • Fort Wagner South Carolina

    Fort Wagner South Carolina
    Fort Wagner in south Carolina become accupied by union troops.
  • Gettysburg Adress

    Gettysburg Adress
    Lincoln delivers his 2 minute speech about the war in Gettysburg Pennsylvania.
  • Housatonic sub sunk

    Housatonic sub sunk
    The confederates sub Hunley sinks in Housatonic south carolina.
  • Fort Pillow

    Fort Pillow
    Fort Pillow is captured by the Union.
  • Campagain Atlanta Begins

    Campagain Atlanta Begins
    The Presidential campagain opens in Atlanta for Lincoln and the other Presidential canidates
  • Burning of Chambersburg

    Burning of Chambersburg
    The confederates burn the Union at Chambersburg Pennsylvania.
  • Atlanta

    Union troops begin to occupy Atlanta
  • Winchester

    The third battle at Winchester takes place resulting in a Union victory.
  • Lincoln

    Abramham get elected for his second term as President.
  • Shermans March

    Shermans March
    Sherman begins his march to the sea where he and other people burn everything in their path.
  • Nashville

    The first battle at Nashville Tennessee takes place.
  • Savannah

    Union troops begin to occupy Savannah Georgia.
  • Fisher Falls to Union

    Fisher Falls to Union
    After a disapointing loss by the Confederates, Union troops capture Fort Fisher.
  • Columbia Burned

    Columbia Burned
    Union troops were occupied at Columbia when it was burned.
  • Lincoln Inagurated

    Lincoln Inagurated
    For his second term, Lincoln get Inagurated as President of the United States.
  • Lincoln Visits Richmond

    Lincoln Visits Richmond
    After hearing about a Union victory in Richmond, Lincoln goes and visits what was once the Confederates capital.
  • Confederates Surrender

    Confederates Surrender
    After multiple battles lost and many many many men lost, General Lee Surrenders at Appomattox.
  • Lincoln Shot

    Lincoln Shot
    In Fords Theater where Lincoln and his wife were enjoying a play when John Wilkes Booth gets access to Lincolns seat and shoots Lincoln in the back of the head.
  • Lincoln Dies

    Lincoln Dies
    After just surviving one day after he was shot, Lincoln dies across the street from Fords Theater. He was 56 years old
  • Booth Killed

    Booth Killed
    After making a run from Fords Theater the night of killing Lincoln, he survives for over a week. Then he is trapped in a shed and set on fire and killed.
  • Davis Captured

    Davis Captured
    Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America, is captured by Union troops.
  • Richmond Taken Over

    Richmond Taken Over
    After a short battle outside of the Confederate Capital, Richmond fell to the Union. As a result of the capital falling to the Union, the Confederate government evacuates the area.
  • Lincolns Birthday

    Lincolns Birthday
    This is the first time that Lincolns birthday is formally recognized in the White House.
  • Freedman's Bureau Passed

    Freedman's Bureau Passed
    The New Freedmans Bureau is passed in Congress. A furious Andrew Johnson imedietly vetos the bill.
  • Fords Theater Purchased

    Fords Theater Purchased
    Congress spends $100,000 to buy Fords Theater. It later becomes a museum about military medical.
  • Civil Rights Veto Override

    Civil Rights Veto Override
    As Andrew Johnson was mad about the Civil Rights Act, he attempted to veto the bill. Congress put their foot down and overrided his veto.
  • Winfield Scott

    Winfield Scott
    Winfield Scott dies in West Point New York.
  • U.S. Declares Peace

    U.S. Declares Peace
    The United States declares peace with former Confederate states. They include Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.
  • 14th Ammendment

    14th Ammendment
    Congree approves the 14th Ammendment to the constitution.
  • Tennesee Ratifies

    Tennesee Ratifies
    Tennesse Ratifies the 14th ammendment. Tennesse would not suffer under the 2nd reconstruction.
  • U.S. Grant

    U.S. Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant is promoted to a four-star general because of congresses "general of the armies."
  • Admiral Rank

    Admiral Rank
    Congress creats the rank of Admiral. David Farragut becomes the first of this rant.
  • !4th ammendment rejected

    !4th ammendment rejected
    Kentukey is the first state to reject the 14th Ammendment.
  • Nebraska

    Nebraska becomes a state.
  • Tenure of Office Act

    Tenure of Office Act
    Congress passes this act which doesnt give the president the power to remove government officials who have already going to be appointed.
  • 2nd Reconstruction Act

    2nd Reconstruction Act
    Congress passes the 2nd Reconstitution Act ove Andrew Johnsons Veto.
  • Alaska

    Alaska gets purchased by the United States and becomes a state.
  • Back to Union

    Back to Union
    Congress passes a bill admitting Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina into the Union. Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas, having refused to ratify the fourteenth amendment, were refused admission into the Union
  • Edwin Stanton

    Edwin Stanton
    Andrew Johnson demands that Edwin Stanton resigns as secretary of war.
  • U.S Grant

    U.S Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant becomes the secretary of war under Andrew Johnson.
  • Susspended.

    Edwin Stanton is susspended by the president as soon as U.S. Grant becomes the secretary of war.
  • Official Alaska

    Official Alaska
    Russia finally turns over Alaska to the United States.