Jun 13, 1496
The Scottish Education Act of 1496
An act that required landowners to send thieir eldest sons to sschool to study Latin arts and law. This mad scooling compulsory for the first time in Scotland. -
The Glorioius Revolution
This revolution has no speific date but it is supposed to between 1688 and 1689. The battle happened on the British Isles and the participants are English, Welsh, Scottish society and Dutch forces. The outcome of this battle is the replacment of James the second by William and Mary, the Grand Alliance between England and Scotland. This also created a constituional structure. -
The Act of Union
The act that is made joins The Kingdom of England and The Kingdom of Scotland with separate legislatures but with the same monarch. These two places put together created the United Kingdom. -
The Slave Trade Act
The Slave Trade Act is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed on March 25, 1807. The act abolished the slave trade in the British Empire, mainly the Atlantic slave trade. The also encouraged British action to press the other European states to get rid of slavery itself. -
The Battle of Waterloo
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday the 18th of June near Waterloo, which is present day known as Belgium. A battle between a French army was defeated by two armies of the seventh coalition. Upon the return of the comander of the French army, Napolean, many states oppoesd him and began mobilizing armies. The outcome of all this is that England is the winner but costing Wellington thoundsands to repair damages done and death count is huge. -
The Bessemer Process
This major event has no spefic date, but it began in 1855. This was the begining -
The First World War
The first world war was tradic loss for Great Britain. Around 900,000 soldiers were killed, 1.6 million were wounded and civilan population was stripped away. -
The Second World War
The second world war took a toll on the country, but not as bad as the first one. -
The Foundation of the Welfare State
The date for this when it began is unknown. The concept of the goverment in which the state plays a key role in the protection of the ecomic and socail well being of its citizens. The United Kingdom is about 20-25%. -
The Election of New Labor