Unit4 Task 2

  • 14th admendment

    July 9 1868, It was important because it freed slaves
  • 15th admendment

    February 3 1870, it gave african american men the right to vote
  • Plessy v fergenson

    it made the rule sepreate but equal which still was heavy discrimination
  • NAACP founded

    Faces challenges facing african americans
  • Womens right admnedment denile

    This kept the women fighting for what they want, and yeah
  • 19th admendment

    it made it so there wasnt any discrimination agianst sex when it comes to voting
  • shelly v kramer

    it made it so there couldn't be discrimination against anything when buying a property
  • Brown v The Board of Education

    It was a trial to de segregate school systems
  • Rosa Parks says No

    She refused to give up her seat on the bus and started a boycott movement that help desegregate public areas
  • Civil rights act

    It prohibits discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion etc..
  • Proposition 209- california

    California bans segregation on public employment
  • NOW (National Organizationof Women)

    It helps gain womens rights
  • Green v County School Board of New Kent County

    The full desegregation of schools
  • Swam v Charlotte- Mecklenburg Board of Education

    It speeds up the process of the discrimination of school systems