unit project

  • Boys arrested

    Boys arrested
    Scottsboro boys are arrested on charges of assault. Rape charges are added against all nine boys after accusations are made by Victoria Price and Ruby Bates.
  • Boys almost die

    Scottsboro boys are nearly lynched by crowd of over 100 gathered around Scottsboro's jail.
  • Trialed for rape

    Grand jury indicts the nine Scottsboro boys for rape.
  • Sentenced to death

    Clarence Norris, Charlie Weems, Haywood Patterson, Olen Montgomery, Ozie Powell, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams, and Andy Wright are tried and convicted, and sentenced to death. The trial of Roy Wright ends in a mistrial when some jurors hold out for a death sentence even though the prosecution asked for life imprisonment.
  • Bates says she wasnt raped

    Ruby Bates, in a letter to a Earl Streetman, denies that she was raped.
  • Supream court looks at case

    The U. S. Supreme Court announces that it will review the Scottsboro cases.
  • Verdicct overturned

    The Supreme Court, by a vote of 7-2, reverses the convictions of the Scottsboro boys in Powell vs. Alabama. Grounds for reversal are that Alabama failed to provide adequate assistance of counsel as required by the due process clause of the 14th Amendment.
  • rape denied

    Ruby Bates appears as a surprise witness for the defense, denying that any rape occurred and testifying that she was with Victoria Price for the whole train ride.
  • new trial

    Judge Horton sets aside Patterson's conviction and grants a new trial.
  • supream cout denies

    The Alabama Supreme Court unanimously denies the defense motion for new trials. Leibowitz had argued that qualified blacks were systematically kept off jury rolls, and the names that were currently in the rolls had been forged after the fact.
  • samuel first apperance

    Samuel Leibowitz makes his first appearance before the Supreme Court of the United States
  • Petterson Found guilty

    Patterson is found guilty and sentenced to 75 years in prison
  • knife and gun

    While being transported back to Birmingham Jail, Ozie Powell pulls a knife and slashes Deputy Edgar Blalock's throat. Sheriff Jay Sandlin stops the car and shoots Powell in the head. Both Blalock and Powell survive.
  • knight dies

    Thomas Knight dies.
  • last four dropped

    Rape charges against the last four defendants, Olen Montgomery, Willie Roberson, Eugene Williams, and Roy Wright, are dropped.