Judaism Timeline

By WillRye
  • 1250 BCE

    Exodus from Egypt

    The Israelites escaped from slavery from Egypt at this time. They did this under the leadership of Moses. This was a pivotal event in the Jewish history.
  • 1250 BCE

    Ararhams Convent with God

    Abrahams Convent marked the beginning of monotheism and the promise of a land for his descendants.
  • 1250 BCE

    Ten Commandments

    Gods Ten Commandments. This forms the Jewish moral and ethical principals.
  • 1200 BCE

    Canaan Conquest

    The Military campaigns establish control over the promised land
  • 1050 BCE

    Kingdom of Israel

    Israel unified under King Saul, marking the beginning o the Israelite monarchy.
  • 960 BCE

    The Solomons Temple in Jerusalem

    At this time the first Temple was built. This is a place of worship and religion.
  • 930 BCE

    Division of Israel

    In this event the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah split in the middle.
  • 722 BCE

    Northern Kingdom Exile

    The Assyrians conquest the Northern Kingdom. This resulted in the exile of the 10 tribes.
  • 586 BCE

    Babylonian Exile

    The Solomons Temple was destroyed and soon after lead to the exile of the Jews to Babylon.
  • 538 BCE


    The jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. This restoration was a very significant act of tolerance.
  • 516 BCE

    The Second Temple Rebuilding

    The second temple is finally completed at this time. This symbolizes the restoration of Jewish religious life.
  • 200 BCE

    The Mishnah Compilation

    The Rabi Judah took the words of Jewish law and finally put them to text, creating the Mishnah, which became the foundational text of the Jewish law.
  • 167 BCE

    Maccabean Revolt and Hellenistic Rule

    This event is now celebrated as Hanukkah today. Its the revolt against Hellenistic rulers and the rededication of the Second Temple.
  • 132 BCE

    Bar Kokhba Revolt

    The Jewish tried to revolt against the Roman rule, but they failed. This resulted in some very serious consequences for the Jewish.
  • 90 BCE

    Jamina Council

    The canon of Hebrew scripture was discussed by Jewish scholars. This lead to the influencing of the formation of the Jewish bible.
  • 70 BCE

    The Second Temple Destruction

    In this time the Jewish second temple was destroyed, which resulted to the diaspora and reshaping of the Jewish and practices.
  • 37 BCE

    Herods temple and Roman Rule

    Herod expanded the second temple and renovated it. After the hard work he put into it it was then known as Herods Temple
  • 6 BCE

    The Rabbinic Deveopment

    Judaism starts to evolve and shortly after is the destruction of the second temple. This event emphasized prayer study and ethical behavior.
  • 6 BCE

    The Talmud Codification

    The Babylonian and the Jerusalem Talmud were created at this time. They are the central texts of Jewish tradition and law
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Te life teachings of Jesus of the nazareth led to the emergence of christianity. This event caused a movement with profound implications for Judaism.