Unit 9 Timeline

  • Economic Liberailization

    India adopted a series of economic reforms, including reducing tariffs and opening up the economy to foreign investment. Has led to significant economic growth and helped to transform India into a major global player. Has also raised questions about the social and environmental costs of development and inequality.
  • Signing of the Maastricht Treaty

    Established the European Union, which has since grown to include 27 member states and has become a significant global power. Created a single market, allowing for the free movement of goods, services, people, and capital among member states. Introduced the euro currency, which has become the second most traded currency in the world after the US dollar.
  • Hong Kong Handover

    The United Kingdom returned control of Hong Kong to China after over 150 years of British rule. The handover marked the end of colonialism in the region and the beginning of China's "One Country, Two Systems" policy for Hong Kong. Has raised concerns about the erosion of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedoms in recent years.
  • The Good Friday Agreement

    Ended decades of conflict between Catholic and Protestant communities in Northern Ireland. Established power-sharing arrangements and other measures to promote peace and stability in the region. Has been praised as a successful example of conflict resolution and has served as a model for other peace processes around the world.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airplanes and carried out suicide attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Led to the War on Terrorism, including the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and the Iraq War. Changed the way the world thinks about terrorism and has had lasting effects on global politics and security.
  • Gujarat Riots

    Hindu-Muslim violence in Gujarat led to widespread death and destruction. Has had lasting impacts on communal relations and politics in India. Highlighted the challenges of religious and ethnic diversity in the region.
  • Period: to

    Eurozone Crisis

    The sovereign debt crisis in some Eurozone countries, such as Greece, threatened to destabilize the European Union and the global economy. Led to austerity measures and bailouts by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. Highlighted the challenges of a monetary union without a political union and has led to ongoing debates about the future of the Eurozone.
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    North Korean Nuclear Program

    North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles has led to international sanctions and tensions with the United States and other countries. Has highlighted the challenges of nonproliferation and the dangers of nuclear weapons in the region. Has also had implications for regional security and stability.
  • Commonwealth Games Scandal

    India hosted the Commonwealth Games, but widespread corruption and mismanagement led to public outrage and international scrutiny. Highlighted the challenges of corruption and governance in India. Has also raised questions about the role of international sporting events in promoting development and social welfare.
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    Arab Spring

    A wave of popular protests and uprisings spread across the Middle East and North Africa, calling for political and economic reforms. Led to the overthrow of several authoritarian governments and has had lasting effects on regional politics and society. Highlighted the role of social media and other technologies in facilitating political activism and organizing.
  • Fukishima Nuclear Disaster

    A massive earthquake and tsunami caused a nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. Has had significant environmental, economic, and political impacts in Japan and beyond. Highlighted the risks and challenges of nuclear power and disaster response.
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    Syrian Civil War

    A conflict between the government of Bashar al-Assad and various opposition groups, including Islamist militants and Kurdish separatists, has led to massive displacement and humanitarian suffering. Has drawn in regional and international actors, including Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the United States. Has highlighted the complex political and religious dynamics of the region and the challenges of achieving lasting peace and stability.
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    South China Sea Dispute

    A territorial dispute over the South China Sea, involving China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and other countries, has raised tensions and concerns about regional security. Has also highlighted the challenges of managing maritime disputes and competing territorial claims. Has led to increased military activity and geopolitical competition in the region.
  • Iran Nuclear Deal

    An agreement between Iran and six world powers, including the United States, to limit Iran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. Has been a major source of controversy and has been a focal point of US-Iran relations. Has raised questions about the effectiveness of international diplomacy and the role of nuclear weapons in global security.
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    Refugee Crisis

    A surge of refugees and migrants fleeing conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, particularly Syria, arrived in Europe. Led to tensions and debates within the European Union about how to manage the crisis. Highlighted the humanitarian and political challenges of migration and has had lasting effects on European politics and policy.
  • Brexit

    The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, creating significant uncertainty and challenges for both the UK and the EU. Led to negotiations on the terms of the UK's withdrawal and the future relationship between the UK and the EU. Has had major implications for the future of the European Union and has raised questions about the durability of other regional and international institutions.
  • Demonitization (india)

    The Indian government announced the sudden withdrawal of high-denomination currency notes, in an attempt to curb corruption and tax evasion. Has had significant impacts on the Indian economy and has been criticized for its implementation and effectiveness. Highlighted the challenges of economic reform and the balance between individual rights and the common good.
  • Assination of Jamal Khashoggi

    Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian journalist and dissident, was assassinated by agents of the Saudi government in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. Has raised concerns about human rights and press freedom in Saudi Arabia and beyond. Has also highlighted the challenges of balancing diplomatic relations with values such as democracy and human rights.
  • Hong Kong Protests

    Mass protests in Hong Kong against proposed changes to extradition laws and concerns about erosion of freedoms and autonomy. Highlighted the ongoing tensions between Hong Kong and the Chinese government and has had implications for regional and international relations. Has also raised questions about the future of democracy and civil liberties in the region.
  • Citzen Amendment Act

    The Indian government passed a controversial law that grants citizenship to non-Muslim refugees from neighboring countries. Has raised concerns about discrimination and the erosion of secularism and democratic values in India. Has also highlighted the challenges of managing immigration and refugees in the region.
  • Period: to

    COVID-19 (India)

    India has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with millions of cases and deaths reported. Has highlighted the challenges of managing public health crises and the importance of global cooperation. Has also had significant social and economic impacts in India and beyond.