Dutchmen, Zacharias Janssen invents the compound microscope.
Period: to
Shakespeare's Major Plays versus Major Inventions of the Renaissance
Galileo Galilei invents a water thermometer.
Shakespeare writes Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare writes Love Labours Lost
Shakespeare writes A Midsummer's Night Dream
Shakespeare writes Merchat of Venice
Sir John Harington Invention of flush Toilet
Shakespeare publishes Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare publishes Love's Labours Lost
Shakespeare publishes A Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare publishes the Merchant of Venice
Shakespeare writes Hamlet
Shakespeare writes Twelfth Night
Shakespeare writes Othello
Shakespeare publishes Hamlet
Shakespeare writes King Lear
Shakespeare writes Macbeth
Shakespeare publishes King Lear
Hans Lippershey invents the first refracting telescope
Shakespeare writes The Tempest
The earliest human-powered submarine invented by Cornelis Drebbel.
Shakespeare publishes Othello
Shakespeare publishes Twelfth Night
Shakespeare publishes Macbeth
Shakespeare publishes The Tempest
Invention of graded lenses
William Oughtred invents a slide rule
Frenchmen, Jean-Baptiste Denys invents a method for blood transfusion.
Giovanni Branca invents a steam turbine.
W. Gascoigne invents the micrometer.