Unit 8

  • Lincoln announces ¨10 percent¨ Reconstruction plan

  • Lincoln vetoes Wade-Davis Bill.

  • Lincoln assassinated. Johnson issues Recontruction prclamation. Congress refuse to seat Southern congressmen. Freedmen´s Bureau established. Southern statesbpass Black Codes

  • Congress passes Civil Rights Bill over Johnson´s veto. Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment. Johnson-backed canidates lose congressional election. Ex parre NMilligan case. Ku Klux Klan founded

  • Reconstruction Act. Tenure of Office Act. United States purchases Alaska from Russia.

  • Johnson impeached and acquitted. Johnson pardons Confederate leaders.

  • Grant defeats Seymour for presidency

  • Fisk and Gould corner gold market

  • Fifteenth Amndment ratified

  • Period: to

    Force Act

  • Tweed scandal in New York

  • Freedmen´s Bureau ended

  • Créit Mobilier scandal exposed. Liberal Republicans break with Grant. Grant defeats Greeley for Presidency

  • Panic of 1873

  • Whiskey Ring scandal. Civil Rights Act of 1875. Resumption Act.

  • Hayes- Tilden election standof and crisis

  • Reconstruction ends

  • Compromise of 1877. Reconstruction ends. Railroad strikes paralyze nation.

  • Garfield defeats Hancock for presidency

  • Garfield assassinated; Arthur assumes presidency

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Civil Rights Cases. Pendleton Act sets up civil service commission

  • Cleveland defeats Blaine for presidency

  • Harrision defeats Cleveland for presidency

  • ¨Billion- Dollar¨ Congress. McKinley Tariff Act. Sherman Silver Purchase Act (repealed 1893)

  • Homestead steel strike. Coeur d´Alene (Idaho) silver miners´ strike. People´s party candidate James B. Weaver wins twenty-two electoral votes. Cleveland defeats Harrison and Weaver to regain presidency.

  • Deprssion of 1893 begins. Republicans regain House of Representatives

  • J.P. Morgan´s banking syndicate loans $65 million in gold to federal government

  • Plessy v. Feguson legitimizes ¨separate but equal¨ doctrine