Alfred Thayer Mahan
Alfred Thayer Mahan was an American Naval officer and Historian. Mahan compiled his lectures into a book called The Influence of Sea Power Upon History. This book greatly influenced the naval buildup in the years prior to WW1. -
Hawaii- Queen Lili'uokalani Desposed
In a Coup d'etat by American Businessmen, the Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown and a provisional government lead by the American Businessman Sanford Dole was established to transition the islands to annexation by the US. -
Alaska Gold Rush
Indians found gold in a creek and then gold was being found everywhere, making people rich. This made Alaska a popular place and also made it more valuable to America. -
Hawaii- Petition
The annexation treaty effort was blocked when the newly-formed Hawaiian Patriotic League, composed of native Hawaiians, successfully petitioned the U.S. Congress in opposition of the treaty.This pushed the annexation back a couple of years. -
Spanish American War (1)
Concerned with the situation in Cuba, the US sent the USS Maine to Cuba under captain Charles D. Sigsbee. The Maine's job was to investigate the situation and provide an escape for American should things get out of hand. -
Spanish American War (2)
Shortly after the Maine set out, Hearst's newspaper intercepted a letter from Spain's minister in Washington, The letter spoke rudely of President McKinley. The letter outraged Americans and embarrassed Spain and tensions between the US and Spain increased. -
Spanish AMerican War (3)
The Maine suddenly exploded as it sailed around Havana harbor. The destruction of the Maine created an uproar in America, which, influenced by Hearst, immediately held Spain responsible. -
Spanish American War (6)
Senator Henry M. Teller (Colorado) proposed an amendment to the U.S. declaration of war against Spain which proclaimed that the United States would not establish permanent control over Cuba. True to the letter of the Teller Amendment, after Spanish troops left the island in 1898, the United States occupied Cuba until 1902. -
Spanish American War (4)
Spain declared war against America, and this brings us into actual war against the Spanish. -
Spanish American War (5)
US declares was against Spain, now both parties are involved. Days before McKinley had already approved war with Spain. -
Hawaii Annexation
President McKinley, in 1897, sent in a second annexation treaty, which was passed by Congress in June and July, 1898, and the sovereignty was transferred to the United States. Hawaii was now US territory. -
Spanish American War (7)
Spanish signs armistice. The brief and one-sided Spanish-American War comes to an end when Spain formally agrees to a peace protocol on U.S. terms: the cession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Manila in the Philippines to the United States pending a final peace treaty. -
Spanish American War (8)
Treaty of Paris signed US annexes Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines. -
Philippine-American War
Fighting broke out between American forces and Filipino nationalists led by Emilio Aguinaldo who sought independence rather than a change in colonial rulers. The ensuing Philippine-American War lasted three years and resulted in the death of many. -
Philippine-American War (2)
The second phase was marked by the Filipinos’ shift to guerrilla-style warfare.This was significant because it increased the ability of the Philippines. -
China (1)- Boxer Rebellion
The Boxers began a siege of Beijing’s foreign legation district. The following day, Qing Empress declared a war on all foreign nations with diplomatic ties in China. As the Western powers and Japan, including the US, organized a multinational force to crush the rebellion, the siege stretched into weeks, and the diplomats, their families and guards suffered through hunger and degrading conditions as they fought to keep the Boxers at bay. -
Panama Canal
Panama grants the U.S. control over the Panama Canal zone for $10 million. This is significant because now the US has sole ownership of the canal. -
Big Stick Diplomacy 2
It's first test was when the Dominican Republic defaulted on its debts to Belgium, Italy, and Germany. When these nations threatened to seize the Dominican customs houses by force, President Roosevelt intervened by sending U.S.S. Detroit to help in negotiations. This is significant because Roosevelt used his policy to defend US land. -
Big Stick Diplomacy 1
The purpose of Roosevelt's policy was to exert American influence and power, and to efficiently expand American markets with Latin America, Cuba, and Japan. -
Dollar Diplomacy
Dollar Diplomacy was a form of American foreign policy, made during Taft's presidency, to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries.This is significant because it allowed the United States to gain financially from countries, but also resisted other foreign countries from reaping any sort of financial gain. -
Mexico (1)- Tampico Affair
The Tampico Affair began as a minor incident involving U.S. sailors and Mexican land forces loyal to Mexican dictator during the faction wars phase of the Mexican Revolution. A misunderstanding occurred, but developed into a breakdown of diplomatic relations between the two countries. -
WW1-Archduke Assasinated
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated in Sarajevo and this event sparked the start of WW!. -
WW1 Begins
Germany invade Belgium, started the first world war. This causes many years of war and fighting. -
Panama Canal Opening
The Panama Canal is officially opened. Now US exports and imports can travel through the canal. -
WW1- Lusitania Sinks
German ships sink the Lusitania, which had 128 Americans on board. This increases Americans push to enter the war. -
WW1- Zimmerman Telegram
British intelligence gives Wilson the so-called Zimmermann Telegram, a message from German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann proposing that Mexico side with Germany in case of war between Germany and the United States. The outrage at this interference in the Western Hemisphere pushes American public opinion to support entering the war. -
WW1- US Enters War
Congress authorizes a declaration of war against Germany. The United States enters World War I on the side of France and Britain. -
Mexico (2)- Battle of Ambos Nogales
The fighting began when a Mexican officer shot and killed a U.S. soldier on American soil. A full-scale battle then ensued, ending with a Mexican surrender.As a result of this battle, the U.S. and Mexico agreed to divide the two border communities with a chain-link border fence, the first of many permanent incarnations of the U.S.–Mexico border wall. -
WW1- Wilhelm Abdicates
Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates, ending all German hope for a victory. He and his retinue quietly slip over the border into the Netherlands where he lives out the remainder of his life. -
WW1- Armistice Day
An Armistice is signed ending fighting on the Western Front. It is now celebrated every year as Veterans Day. -
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
On that day, Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory. This would cause the US to declare war against Japan. -
China (2)- Dixie Mission
The United States Army Observation Group, commonly known as the Dixie Mission, was the first U.S. effort to establish official relations with the Communist Party of China. Later, the brief existence of the Dixie Mission served as a positive memory between the People's Republic of China and the United States. -
Red Scare
The Red Scare was the idea that a threat was coming from Communist in the US. On this date, Truman issued the Loyalty Order, which mandated that all federal employees be analyzed to determine whether they were sufficiently loyal to the government. This was significant because it caused people to become very skepical of each other.