
Unit 7 Timeline

  • First shakers Community established in N.Y

    Mother Ann Lee and 8 followers who came to America from England in 1774. The Shakers were originally called the Camisards and were from France, they united with this group and became the Shakers.
  • Indian Removal act

    Allowed the President to move Indian tribes east of the Mississippi River to lands west of the Mississippi.
  • Anti- Catholic riot in Philadelphia

    The state became the worst center of race rioting, perhaps because of its large African-American community; almost yearly, mobs attacked some part of the black community, and repeated acts of personal violence marked city life from 1820 to 1850; a violent race riot involving hundreds of people from this state convulsed the city in "fiendish brutality" for nearly a week in 1834
  • Bank of the United States Expires

    Hamilton had created, taking the model of the Bank of England. He proposed a powerful private institution, of which the government would be the major stockholder and in which the federal Treasury would deposit its surplus monies.
  • Massachusetts declares labor union

    Massachusetts Supreme Court decision of 1842 that overturned the widespread doctrine that labor unions were illegal conspiracies in restraint of trade
  • Thoreus publishes Walden

    Henry David Thoreau was born on July 12, 1817, in Concord, Massachusetts. He began writing nature poetry in the 1840s, with poet Ralph Waldo Emerson as a mentor and friend. In 1845 he began his famous two-year stay on Walden Pond, which he wrote about in his master work, Walden. He also became known for his beliefs in Transcendentalism and civil disobedience, and was a dedicated abolitionist.