Unit 7 Timeline

  • 1910 annexation of korea

    Japan officially annexes Korea, ending centuries of Korean independence Brutal suppression of Korean culture and resistance movements by Japanese authorities Contributed to tensions between Japan and other Asian powers, particularly China and the United States
  • 1914 Assanation of Arch Duke Ferdinand

    Sparked the outbreak of World War I Resulted in the deaths of millions of people and the reshaping of the global political landscape Contributed to the rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe and the onset of World War II
  • 1916 Sykes-picot Agreement

    Secret agreement between the United Kingdom and France to divide up the Ottoman Empire's Middle Eastern territories Contributed to the artificial creation of many modern Middle Eastern states, with borders that did not take into account ethnic or religious differences Resulted in ongoing conflicts and tensions in the region, particularly between Israel and Palestine
  • 1917 Balfour Declaration

    British government declares its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine Contributed to the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians over the land of Israel Resulted in the displacement of Palestinian Arabs and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
  • 1919 may fourth movement

    • Student-led protests in China against the Treaty of Versailles and foreign imperialism
    • Contributed to the rise of Chinese nationalism and the spread of anti-colonial sentiment
    • Marked a turning point in Chinese intellectual and political history
  • 1919: Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

    British troops open fire on peaceful Indian protestors in Amritsar, killing over 1,000 people Heightened Indian nationalist sentiment and mistrust of British colonial rule Motivated Mahatma Gandhi to launch non-violent civil disobedience campaign
  • 1920 Non cooperation movement

    Launched by Mahatma Gandhi to boycott British goods and institutions Resulted in widespread protests and civil disobedience campaigns Contributed to the growth of Indian nationalist sentiment and the eventual independence of India
  • 1929 Stock Market Crash

    Marked the beginning of the Great Depression Resulted in widespread economic hardship and social unrest Contributed to the rise of extremist political movements, particularly in Germany and Italy
  • 1929 Lashore Resolution

    Indian Muslim League passes a resolution calling for the creation of a separate Muslim state Laid the foundation for the eventual creation of Pakistan in 1947 Contributed to increased Hindu-Muslim tensions and sectarian violence
  • 1931 Manchurian Invasion

    Japanese military stages a false flag attack in Manchuria to justify their invasion and occupation of the region Resulted in international condemnation and economic sanctions against Japan Contributed to the escalation of tensions between Japan and the United States, eventually leading to the Pacific War
  • 1932 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Established

    Saudi Arabia officially becomes a unified kingdom under King Abdulaziz
    Contributed to the consolidation of power and the spread of Wahhabism, a conservative interpretation of Sunni Islam
    Resulted in the establishment of Saudi Arabia as a major player in the global oil market
  • 1937 Munich Agreement

    Agreement between Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia Contributed to the appeasement of Nazi Germany and the subsequent outbreak of World War II Highlighted the failures of diplomacy and the dangers of appeasement in the face of aggressive authoritarian regimes
  • 1937 Munich Agreement

    Agreement between Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia Contributed to the appeasement of Nazi Germany and the subsequent outbreak of World War II Highlighted the failures of diplomacy and the dangers of appeasement in the face of aggressive authoritarian regimes
  • 1941 Operation Barborosa

    Nazi Germany launches a surprise invasion of the Soviet Union Resulted in one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, with an estimated 25 million casualties Contributed to the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany and the rise of the Soviet Union as a global superpower
  • 1942 Quit India Movement

    Indian National Congress launches a mass civil disobedience campaign calling for British withdrawal from India Led to widespread protests, strikes, and violent clashes with British authorities Increased pressure on the British government to grant Indian independence after World War II
  • 1944 D-day

    Allied forces launch a massive invasion of Nazi-occupied France, landing on the beaches of Normandy Resulted in a decisive victory for the Allies and the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany Marked a turning point in the war and the beginning of the end of the Nazi regime
  • 1945 Atomic bombs dropped on Japan

    United States drops atomic bombs on two Japanese cities, resulting in over 200,000 deaths Marked the first and only use of nuclear weapons in warfare Contributed to the eventual surrender of Japan and the end of World War II in the Pacific
  • 1947 Division of Pakistan and India

    British India is divided into two independent states: India and Pakistan Resulted in the displacement of millions of people and widespread sectarian violence, particularly between Hindus and Muslims
    - Contributed to ongoing tensions and conflict between India and Pakistan, including several wars and ongoing disputes over the region of Kashmir
  • 1947 Indian Independence Act

    Act of the British Parliament that granted independence to India and Pakistan Marked the end of British colonial rule in India and the partition of British India into two independent nations Resulted in the displacement of millions of people and ongoing tensions and conflict between India and Pakistan
  • 1948 Arab-Israelie war

    Several Arab countries launch a military campaign against the newly-established state of Israel Resulted in an Israeli victory and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees Contributed to ongoing conflict and tension in the Middle East, particularly between Israelis and Palestinians.