Nov 15, 1184
The Berlin Confrence
This confrence lasted from 1884-1885. King Leopold II of Belgium convinced Africa, France, and Germany that common trade was a benefit to all 3 countries. This confrence divided up the continent for colonization. Thre was no African representation at the confrence. By 1914 only Ethopia and Liberia were independent. -
Steam Engine
James Watt perfected a usable steam engine. This was invented sporadically from 1763 to 1775. This pretty much starts the industrial revolution. James Watt got all the DAP for the Steam Engine. -
French Revolution
This is when the French Revolution first started. The people of France tear apart the Bastel, and the fish ladies make it to the palace. The King and Queen are executed shortly after. Napoleon takes over after the Reign of Terror had ended. This is important because it was a new begining for France. -
Haitian Revolution
Haiti had alot of slaves. In 1791 the slaves revolt. Toussaint L'Ouverture was the leader of the slave revolt. This is important because Napoleon sends an army to recapture Haiti. They can't win but they do get Toussaint and he dies in prision. Haiti then becomes independent in 1804. -
Independence of Mexico
The Mexican War of Indepndence was fought from 1810-1821 The Mexicans were breaking free from Spain. This united Mexico people. It was important because the Treaty of Cordoba united Mexico, and stated that it was indepent. -
Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna was a confrence of European states Ambassadors. This was held in Vienna, from September 1814, to June 1815. This was when they got together to discuss the future of France and other countries. This gave the nobles power again. The goal of the meeting was to have a balance of power. The balance of power was restored for almost 40 years. But it didn't actually unite Germany. -
Opium War
Here we have the first Opium War. This was basically when the British merchants got people in China addicted to the crazy drug Opium. The Treaty Of Nanjing ended the Opium War.This ended up with British traders being allowed to bring Opium into the country. They got the opium from India. The first Opium war ended in 1842. This war was important because this is when Western Powers come in and take over China. -
Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx predicted a struggle between social classes .He had 2 classes, one called the Haves. Another called the Have Nots. He wrote a book to talk about how these two groups were going to fight. He wanted a society run by workers. So that the wealth and power would be shared equally. This didn't work, obviously. This was important because it cause communist revolutions. -
Matt Perry goes tp Japan
Commodore Perry was responsible for the opening of Japan in 1852-1854. He made 2 trips to Japan, He brought trade to Japan, and introduced them to weapons. That is why his visits were so important. -
Sepoy Mutiny
This Sepoy Mutiny was an Indian Rebelluion of 1857. This was also known as India's first war of Independence. The Bristish trained these Indians to be good soldiers. They got mad about farm animals, specifically cows. They formed a group and took Kanpur and Delhi. This was important because the British took over India, at the end of this. -
Unifacation of Germany
Germany had been under the role of Napoleon. Otto Von Bismack was most responsible for the Unifacation of Germany. His goal was to unite Germany under Prussian leadership. They went to war with Denmark. Then, they fought in the 7 Weeks War with Austria. Prussia wins. Bismark needs an enemy all Germany will unite again. They go against France in the Franco Prussian war. 6 weeks and France was defeated. January 1871 France surrenders. The Treaty of Frankfurt was on January 18th, 1871. -
Russo- Japanese War
The Russo- Japanese War was fought from 1904-1905. This was was fought over conflict between Russia and Japan. Both countries wanted to expand. Both countries fought eachother, Japan gets the credit for winning. This war was important because Japan gains land, and becomes a superpower. -
Zulu Uprising
This was a Zulu Revolt against British forces. Bambatha kaMancinza led the revolt. This rebellion was also a result of British taxing. This took place in Natal, South Africa. They lost this uprising. This was important because it weakened the Zulu. -
Dr. Sun Yet-sec takes over China
Dr. Sun Yet-sen was known as the "Father of Revolution" to chinnese people. His ideas included nationalism, democracy, and equalization. He led the Revolution of 1911. This put his ideas of nationalism, democracy, and revolution into action. He resigned in March of 1912. This is important because it started Nationalist China.