Unit 7 Part one

  • The Purchase of Alaska

    The Purchase of Alaska
    Andrew Johnson purchases Alaska from Russia for 7 million dollars
  • Alfred Mahan - The Influence of Sea power upon History

    Alfred Mahan - The Influence of Sea power upon History
    Alfred argues that in order to get world dominance, we need a strong Navy.
  • Hawaii Queen overthrown

    Hawaii Queen overthrown
    American settlers helped overthrow the queen of Hawaii to increase the chances of joining America
  • Cuban revolt

    Cuban revolt
    The Cubans revolt the Spanish by sabotaging plantations and other building, in attempt to involve the US in the war.
  • The sinking of the Maine

    The sinking of the Maine
    While harbored in Cuba the Maine was suddenly exploded killing almost 300 people
  • The Spanish American war officially begins

    The Spanish American war officially begins
    The first Major international conflict America has had in decades,
  • McKinley's War Message

    McKinley's War Message
    America was trying to make peace before anything else happened, but the war still continued
  • De Lôme's Letter

    De Lôme's Letter
    The spanish diplomats letter criticized Mckinley and his work, bringing us closer to war
  • The Teller Amendment

    The Teller Amendment
    Showed the world that America had taken out the Spanish misrule and Claimed Cuba.
  • Manila Bay

    Manila Bay
    The start of the Spanish American, Ultimately causing America to finally join the World
  • Capturing Manila Bay

    Capturing Manila Bay
    America's Navy stormed Manila bay and with the help of Filipino alles they took Manila bay
  • Invasion of Cuba

    Invasion of Cuba
    America took to Cuba to finally set them free, but disease took them and more than 5000 Americans were killed by Malaria, Typhoid, Dysentery
  • Taking San Juan Hill

    Taking San Juan Hill
    Took out Spanish Fleet and gave us the upper hand
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    China was failing and America wanted to secure a spot so they organized all the other countries to keep it fair
  • Hawaii Joins America

    Hawaii Joins America
    McKinley completes the annexation and Hawaii joins America
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Chinese stand up and take back from all the countries what they took from them
  • Roosevelt takes over the presidency

    Roosevelt takes over the presidency
    McKinley is shot , so Roosevelt takes over and proposes the big stick plan
  • Thoughts on Roosevelt

    Many people liked his ideas, but many criticized him and watched him very carefully
  • Hay- Pauncefote Treaty

    Hay- Pauncefote Treaty
    America and Great Britain share central America allowing the canal and creating a bond between Britain and the US
  • Panama Revolt

    Panama Revolt
    Roosevelt needed to build a canal through Panama but didnt own the land, and wanted it
  • Russo - Japanese war

    Russo - Japanese war
    Rivalry between the two Japan wins, but still causes even more friction eith the us
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Howard Taft wanted to stabalize America in Central America with financial institutions, but many countries became antiimperialists.
  • Victoriano Huerta Seizes power

    Victoriano Huerta Seizes power
    Causes conflict in our own country with Howard, and causes us to get involved
  • Mexican Blockade

    Mexican Blockade
    American went to the port of vera Cruz and blocked it while other went and arrested many Mexican politicians
  • The first move (WWI)

    The first move (WWI)
    Austrian Archduke is assassinated by a serbian, causing tension between the whole world as War threartens to break out
  • Germany declares war

    Germany declares war
    After the tension between Austria and Serbia, Germany starts declaring war with many of Serbia's Allies, growing hate towards Germany and Austria
  • Wilson Declares Neutral

    Wilson Declares Neutral
    Staying true to America Wilson call America Neutral in the war, which cuts off many of our traders and makes it difficult to trade, lasted until 1919
  • Citizens views

    Citizens views
    To the United States, Germany looked like a bully toward Belgium, and Britain was constantly sending in bad reports about the triple entente, causing Citizerns to lean toward Allies anyways
  • Lusitania Sinking

    Lusitania Sinking
    Germany sinks a ship full of American Citizens traveling causing American interaction in the War
  • Leaning toward Allies

    Though Neutral America still did most of their business with the Allies, making it so we look on one side rather than neutral
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    Woodrow Wilson finally declares war on Germany, with many people wanting war and Germany plucking the US we called it
  • The red Scare

    The red Scare
    Many people in the US supported Communism and it constantly kepy other in fear of it
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Hawaii becomes a state
    After joining the union, Hawaii finally becomes the 50th state of America