Unit 6 Timeline (1750-1900)

  • Period: to

    1688-1911, Qing Dynasty

    1.The Manchu-led Qing dynasty ruled China, during which time the country experienced political stability, economic growth, and cultural flourishing.
    2.The dynasty saw the expansion of the Chinese empire and the suppression of local rebellions.
    3. The late Qing period saw growing internal weakness, foreign encroachment, and the eventual collapse of the dynasty in 1912.
  • Battle of Plassey

    1. The British East India Company defeated the Nawab of Bengal, establishing British control over Bengal and much of northern India. 2 This marked the beginning of British colonial rule in India and the beginning of the "British Raj". 3 British control over India brought about significant economic and political changes, including the introduction of modern infrastructure, the development of a new legal system, and the exploitation of India's resources for the benefit of Britain
  • Cook's first voyage to the pacific

    1 British navigator Captain James Cook embarked on a voyage to the Pacific, mapping and exploring the region.
    2 This voyage marked the beginning of European exploration and exploitation of the Pacific and the establishment of European colonial influence in the region.
    3 Cook's voyage had lasting effects on the Pacific, including the introduction of new diseases, the displacement of indigenous peoples, and the spread of European ideas and trade.
  • Period: to

    European Scramble for Africa

    1 European powers partitioned and colonized much of Africa, leading to the establishment of colonies and protectorates.
    2 This period saw the subjugation and exploitation of African peoples and the loss of African sovereignty.
    3 The "Scramble for Africa" resulted in the division of the continent among European colonial powers, leading to a legacy of political and economic instability.
  • Period: to

    Alantic Slave Trade

    1 European powers partitioned and colonized much of Africa, leading to the establishment of colonies and protectorates.
    2 This period saw the subjugation and exploitation of African peoples and the loss of African sovereignty.
    3 The "Scramble for Africa" resulted in the division of the continent among European colonial powers, leading to a legacy of political and economic instability.
  • Period: to

    Latin American Wars of Independence

    1 A series of wars and uprisings broke out across Latin America, leading to the establishment of independent republics in the region.
    2 This period saw the end of Spanish and Portuguese colonial rule in the Americas and the emergence of new nations.
    3 The Latin American Wars of Independence had lasting effects on the region, including the establishment of new political systems and the spread of liberal ideas.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    1 The United States issued the Monroe Doctrine, warning European powers against further colonization in the Americas.
    2 This doctrine marked a turning point in US foreign policy and established the US as a major power in the Americas.
    3 The Monroe Doctrine had lasting effects on US-Latin American relations, including the spread of American influence in the region and the assertion of US dominance in the hemisphere.
  • Period: to

    First Opium War

    1 The British and French forces defeated the Chinese and forced them to open up to foreign trade, including the legalization of the opium trade.
    2 This marked the beginning of Western imperialism in China and the decline of the Qing dynasty.
    3 The Treaty of Nanking resulted in the cession of Hong Kong to Britain and the opening of several treaty ports to foreign trade.
  • Treaty of Waitangi

    1 The British Crown signed the Treaty of Waitangi with Maori chiefs in New Zealand, establishing British control over the islands.
    2 This treaty marked the beginning of British colonial rule in New Zealand and the subjugation of Maori peoples.
    3 The Treaty of Waitangi had lasting effects on New Zealand, including the displacement of Maori peoples and the introduction of European ideas and culture.
  • Period: to

    Mexican-American War

    The United States defeated Mexico and gained control of large parts of Mexican territory, including California and much of the Southwest. 2 This war marked a turning point in US expansionism and the spread of American influence in the Americas.
    3 The Mexican-American War resulted in the loss of Mexican territory and the subjugation of Mexican peoples, leading to lasting tensions between the US and Mexico.
  • Australian Federation Formed

    1 The Australian colonies federated into a single nation, with the creation of the Commonwealth of Australia.
    2 This federation marked the beginning of a new era in Australian history and the emergence of Australia as a modern nation-state.
    3 The Australian Federation had lasting effects on the region, including the development of new political and economic systems and the strengthening of ties between the Australian colonies.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    1 A widespread uprising against British rule broke out among Indian soldiers, known as sepoys.
    2 The rebellion marked a turning point in Indian resistance to British rule and led to increased British efforts to assert control over India.
    3 The rebellion resulted in the strengthening of British control over India and the marginalization of Indian leaders and elites.
  • Period: to

    Indian Restiance to British Rule

    1. Started with sepoy rebellion or the first indian rebellion
    2. After the division of Bengal sparks of revolution spread
    3. Major turning in british opinion occurred after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre
  • Period: to

    Meji Restoration

    1. The Meiji emperor was restored to power and implemented sweeping reforms to modernize and westernize Japan.
      1. This period saw Japan transform from a feudal society to a modern industrialized nation. 3 . The Meiji government adopted a policy of military expansion, leading to the colonization of Taiwan and the emergence of Japan as a major imperial power in Asia.
  • Period: to

    War of the Pacific (Chile is Latin America)

    1 Chile defeated Peru and Bolivia, gaining control of valuable resources and coastal territory.
    2 This war marked a turning point in Chilean expansionism and the emergence of Chile as a major power in South America.
    3 The War of the Pacific resulted in the loss of territory and resources for Peru and Bolivia and the establishment of Chilean dominance in the region.
  • Period: to

    Sudanese Mahdist War

    1 A religious and political movement led by the Mahdi swept through the Sudan and challenged European colonial rule.
    2 This period saw the emergence of anti-colonial resistance in Africa and the beginning of the decolonization movement.
    3 The Mahdist movement marked the first major anti-colonial uprising in Africa and inspired other movements throughout the continent
  • Berlin Conference

    1 European powers met in Berlin to divide up Africa and establish colonial boundaries.
    2 This marked the formal partitioning of Africa and the beginning of the European colonial era in Africa.
    3 The Berlin Conference marked the beginning of the "Scramble for Africa" and the partitioning of the continent among European powers.
  • Indian Congress Founded

    1. Group of major ethnicity's from around india meeting to discuss independence
    2. Is still the leading party in India and is a big part of India independence
    3. Pushed for increase in representation in british ruled india
  • Spanish American War

    1 The United States defeated Spain and gained control of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
    2 This marked the beginning of American imperialism in Asia and the Pacific.
    3 The war sparked debates in the US about the country's new imperial responsibilities and its role in the world
  • Period: to

    American Conquest of Phillipines

    1 The United States defeated the Spanish and gained control of the Philippines, marking the beginning of American colonial rule in the islands.
    2 This conquest marked a turning point in American expansionism and the establishment of American influence in the Pacific.
    3 The American Conquest of the Philippines resulted in the subjugation of the Philippine people and the introduction of American ideas and culture to the region