Unit 6 Exam

  • Great Britain

    Great Britain
    Government: Constitutional Monarch
    Political Leader: David Cameron
    Branches: Two Chambers
    Year country was founded: May 1, 1707
  • United Staes

    United Staes
    Government: Constitutional-based federal republic
    Currant Politcal Leader: Barack Obama
    Branches: Three
    Year country was found: July 4, 1776
  • Period: to

    World Government

  • Mexico

    Government: Federal Republic
    Political Leader: Felipe Calderon
    Branches: Three Branches
    Year country was found: Septmeber 27, 1821
  • Venezuela

    Government: Federal Republic
    Political Leader: Hugo Chavez
    Branches: Three
    Year country was found:
  • Cuba

    Government: Socialist Republic
    Political Leader: Raul Castro
    Branches: One dictatorship
    Year country was found: October 10, 1868
  • Japan

    Government: Partiaminontory Democracy
    Political Leader: Naota Kan
    Branches: Three
    Year country was found: February 11, 660 BC
  • Taiwan

    Government: Multiparty democracy
    Political Leader: Ma Ying - jeou
    Branches: Three
    Year country was found: October 25, 1923
  • Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Government: Monarchy with council of Ministers & consultive council
    Political Leader: Abdullah
    Branches: Three
    Year country was found: Septmember 23, 1932
  • North Korea

    North Korea
    Government: Socialist Republic and single-party system government
    Political Leader: Kim Jong-li
    Branches: Dictator
    Year country was founded: September 9, 1948
  • China

    Government: Single Party Republic ruled by the Communist Party government
    Political Leader: Hu Jintao
    Branches: Five - Seven
    Year country was founded: 2000 BC
  • Iraq

    Government: Democracy
    Political Leader: Jalal Talabani
    Branches: Seven
    Year country was found: July 14, 1958
  • Russia

    Government: Federal semi-presidental republic
    Political Leader: Vladimer Putin

    Branches: Three
    Year country was found: 862