Unit 6

  • First shaker community established in New York

  • Smauel Slater builds first U.S. textile factory

  • Whitney develops interchangeable parts for muskets

  • Second Great awakening

  • Robert Fulton's first steamboat

  • Embargo spurs American manufacturing

  • Cumberland road begins to be constructed

  • Erie canal begins to be constructed

  • Mexico opens Texas to American settlers

  • Election of 1824 sent to House of Rep.

    The lack of electorial majority for president throws election into house of represntivites
  • House elects JQA president

  • Erie canal completed

  • Tariff of 1828

  • Jackson elected president

  • First railroad in United States

  • American Peace society established

  • Indian removal act

  • Cyrus McCormick invents mechanical Mower-reaper

  • Bank War

  • Jackson re-elected president

    he beat Henry Clay
  • Period: to

    South carolina Nullifaction crisis

  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

  • Bank of the United States "dies" out

  • Van Buren elected president

  • John Deere develops steel plow

  • Period: to

    Trail of tears

    Cherokee Indians removed from their land and taken to oklahoma territory
  • Harrison elected president

  • Ten hour day established

  • Massachusetts declares labor legal

  • Smauel Morse invents telegraph

  • Poe publishes "The Raven"

  • Period: to

    Potato famine in Ireland

  • Elias Howe invents sewing machine

  • Period: to

    Mormon migration to Utah

  • "Know Nothing" party formed

  • Hawthorne publishes "the scarlet Letter"

  • Cumberland road completed

  • Pony express established