Constitution formally put into effect
Judiciary Act of 1789
Washington was elected president
French Revolution begins
First official census
Bill of Rights adopted
Vermont decomes 14th state
Bank of the United States created
Excise tax passed
Period: to
Federalist and Democratic-Republicans parties formed
France declares war on Britian and Spain
Neutrality Proclimation
Whiskey Rebellion
Jay's treaty with Britian
Pinckney's treaty with spain
Treaty of Greenville
Washington's farewell address
XYZ affairs
Adams becomes president
Alien and sedition acts
Period: to
Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
Period: to
Undeclared war with France
Jefferson defeats adams for presidency
Judicary acts of 1801
Period: to
Naval war with Tripoli
Revised naturalization law
Mulberry V. Madison
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson reelected president
Period: to
Lewis and Clark expedition
Burr Treason trail
Embargo Act
Madison elected president
Madison reelected president
United States declares war on Britain
Period: to
American invasion of Canada fails
British burn Washington DC
Period: to
Hartford convention
Monroe elected president
Second bank of the United States Founded