Unit 5 Key Terms

  • Frances Willard

    Frances Willard
    Frances was the leader of the Christian Woman's Temperance Union.
  • Tin Pan Alley

    Tin Pan Alley
    Collection of New York music publishers and songwriters who dominated the popular music of the United States
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    African Americans migrate from the South to the North. Looking to escape problems of racism in the South. They thought they could find better jobs and have an overall better life in the North
  • 1st Red Scare

    1st Red Scare
    A social or political movement designed to prevent a communist movement in this country by finding radicals.
  • Prohibition

    Anything having to do with alcohol was banned by the 18th amendment. Repealed under FDR during the Great Depression.
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    Charismatic Garvey's UNIA claimed more than four million members, and crowds of more than 25,000 people packed into Madison Square Garden to hear Garvey speak of racial redemption and repatriation to Africa.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    The belief that all personal and social problems were inherited
  • Jazz Music

    Jazz Music
    Pioneered by African American musicians. American youth's break from traditional norms and expectations.
  • Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes
    One of the leading figures of the Harlem Renaissance. Most famous poems, "Harlem (Dream Deferred)", a powerful statement of burgeoning Black intellectualism in an age of racial oppression.
  • Warren G. Harding's "Return to Normalcy"

    Warren G. Harding's "Return to Normalcy"
    Slogan of president Warren Harding. To return the United States tot eh policies of and practices before WWI
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    During Harding administration involving the granting of oil-drilling rights on government land in return for money. Took Hardings life sue to the amount of stress that he was under.
  • Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow
    He defended John Scopes during the Scopes Trial and argued that evolution should be taught in schools.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    Attorney for prosecutor in Scopes Monkey Trail.
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    Pitted the technique of Darwin's theory of evolution against teaching Bible creationism.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Flourishing of African American literature and art in the 1920's; spread in mostly urban centers across America.
  • Charles A. Lindbergh

    Charles A. Lindbergh
    Made first solo flight across the atlantic ocean. Others had crossed but Lindbergh was the first to do it non-stop and alone.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Began publishing a controversial series of articles in the 'Dearborn Independence'. The 15th millionth Model T ceremoniously rolls off the assembly line a highland park as Henry and Easel pose for the cameras
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Economic crisis beginning with the stock market. It was at its lowest because all the banks in america were closing so everybody was losing their money. With all of this happening FDR tried to get america out of the Great Depression with his New Deal programs.
  • Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday"

    Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday"
    The stock market lost more than $30 billion. A worldwide depression, banks closing and savings being lost.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    Created by FDR in hope to bring America out of the Great Depression. He came up with a bunch of different programs for different associations
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    Region of the Great Plains that experienced a drought in 1930 lasting for a decade. Farmers brought it upon themselves due to bad farming techniques.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt

    Franklin D Roosevelt
    32rd president; began the New Deal programs to help the nation out of the Great Depression.
  • Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange
    New Deal photographer responsible for the most famous picture of the era and one of the most important in history
  • Relief, Recovery, Reform

    Relief, Recovery, Reform
    Direct government did to Americans, like food or money. Plans to end the Depression in the form of government programs such as Social Security.
  • Securities & Exchange Commission

    Securities & Exchange Commission
    Monitors the stock market and enforces laws regulating the sale of stocks and bonds.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt

    Eleanor Roosevelt
    FDR's wife and New Deal supporter. Great supporter of Civil Rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws.She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women.
  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
    Constitution amendment moving presidential inauguration from March to January.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Tennessee Valley Authority
    A relief, recovery, and reform effort that gave 2.5 million poor citizens jobs and land. It brought cheap electric power, low-cost housing, nitrates, and the restoration of eroded soil.
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    A federally sponsored corporation that insures accounts in national banks that insure qualified institutions.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    The bringing back of alcohol. Repealed prohibition.
  • Federal Reserve System

    The central bank; to ensure a portion of your money is always secure.
  • Social Security Administration

    Social Security Administration
    FDR made this one of the New Deals. Part of your pay check that is taken out is called Social Security, which is given to unemployed elders.