Langston Hughes
He was an author of many things like playwrights and manuscripts. He originated from Joplin Missouri. He is most known for his work in the Harlem Renaissance. -
Federal Reserve System
National banking system for the whole nations. All of the small banks go to the national bank for deposits and withdrawn. Started due to the poor economics in the nation at the time. -
Marcus Garvey
Prodominent in black nationalism in Jamaica and the United States. Started a movement called the pan americanism. He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League -
The Great Migration
Movement of 6 million african american moving from rural south to different places of the nation. Up until 1910 most African Americans lived in the south due to slavery. This lasted till the 70s. -
1st Red Scare (1920s)
Started by post WW1 anti communist people. They saw Russia in 1917 went through Bolshevik revolution. This made Russia become communist and Americans didn't want that for America. -
21st Amendment
Repealed 18th Amendment. 18th amendment was the prohibition on alcohol. Repealed on January 16 1919 -
Tin Pan Alley
Location where many writers musicians and artist occupied in new york city. It lasted in the 19th and 20th century. Many songs were created here. -
Social Darwanism
Developed from darwinism. Shares same idea of survival of the fittest. Those who can't survive in the social world won't survive at all -
Warren G. Harding's "Return to Normalcy"
Warren G. Harding was running for president in 1920. His slogan was "return to normalcy." The reason why that was his slogan was because of the effects of the war, warren wanted everything and everyone to be back to normal and act as if we never had a war. -
Henry Ford
He was an american inventor. Helped start the "assembly line" movement. He helped advance the creation of automobiles -
Jazz Music
This was considered the pop music of the 20s. Many great artist were Louis Armstrong, King Oliver and Kid Ory. Many say jazz music was started when Buddy Bolden started his first band. -
Frances Willard
She was an American Educator. She was predominant in the temperance movement. Her movement helped promote the 18th and 19th amendment. -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
Illegal bribery that happened from 1921 to 1922. This took place under the Harding Administration. It started over navy oil. -
Clarence Darrow
He was a lawyer. He was also a leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union. He was also a big advocate for Geologist Economic Reform. -
Harlem Renaissance
It was a time of musical artistic and creative explosion. This took place in Harlem New York. It was also called the New Negro Movement -
Scopes Monkey Trail
Formerly known as The State of Tennessee vs. John Thomas Scopes. It was later changed to the Scopes Monkey Trial. It was a big legal case in the 20s. -
William Jennings Bryan
He was an american politician from nebraska. He was a prominent force for the democratic party. He attempted to be president 3 times. -
Charles A. Lindbergh
Charles was many things. Some of those things were a an American Author, Military officer, and American Aviator. He also made the first non stop flight across the atlantic -
Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday"
The stock market crash that happened on a Tuesday was known as Black Tuesday. The crash helped lead the nation into a great depression. This was detrimental because we just got out of a war and were about to head into a war without knowing. -
The Great Depression
Worldwide economic depression. Even though this was worldwide it started in the United States. It took place in the 30s -
20th Amendment
This amendment was for the terms of congress and the president. It moved president's term from March 4 to January 20th. It moved congress term from March 4 to January 2nd. -
Dorothea Lange
She was a photojournalist and photographer. She best known for her work in the depression era. She worked for the Farm Security Administration. -
"Relief, Recovery, Reform"
Motto used in FDR's "New Deal" speech. This soured from FDR's basic philosophy in kenisian economics. Well known as the 3 R's -
Elanor Roosevelt
She was a politician, diplomat, and activist. She was the longest serving 1st lady of the United States. She out lived FDR for about 20 years. -
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
An Act signed by FDR. TVA would service most of tennessee parts of alabama missippi and kentucky, and slivers of north carolina and georgia. This was the US' effort to assisting the modernization of agrarian societies in the developing world. -
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FCIC)
Provided insurance to depositors in US banks. Was needed especially since the US was in an economic rut. It was part of FDR's new deal. -
This was an all out ban on Alcohol. People couldn't sell, make, or import alcohol as it was against the law. However because of this many things called speakeasies were created. -
Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
Responsible for upholding federal laws dealing with security. The SEC was created by Section 4 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The SEC has a three-part mission: to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation. -
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Needs-based, for the aged, blind, or disabled. Called Old age assistance at first. Part of social security act of 1935 -
The Dust Bowl
Often referred to as the dirty thirties. Series of dust storms that ruined the nations farmland. Took place while the great depression was going on. -
The New Deal
Speech Delivered by FDR. Was a way for him to get the nation back on its feet after the war, great depression, and dust bowl. It was a series of Federal Programs. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Was a statesman and politician. He served as President from 1933 till his death in 1945. He was commonly known as FDR