Frances Willard
She was a womens suffargist . Her influence was a big part of the eighteenth and nineteenth amendment -
Clarence Darrow
Darrow was an American lawyer and was a leading member of the American Civil Liberties Union. -
William Jennings Bryan
He starred at the 1896 Democratic convention with his Cross of Gold speech that favored free silver. He was a Nebraskan Congressman. -
Henry Ford
He was a American industrialist and was the founder of Ford Motor Company. -
Social Darwinism
Given to various theories of society that came up in the United Kingdom, North America, and Western Europe in the 1870s. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
American statesman and political leader who served as president for about 12 years straight -
Eleanor Roosevelt
Longest serving First lady to her husband FDR -
Marcus Garvey
Became a leader in the black nationalist movement. Was also a Jamaican political leader. -
Dorothea Lange
Famous photograper. And known for all the stuff she did during the depression -
Tin Pan Alley
Tin Pan Alley was the name given to New York City music publishers who dominated the popular music of the U.S. in the late 19th century and early 20th century. -
Langston Hughes
One of the earliest innovators for the popular music called jazz -
Charles Lindbergh
He made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean. -
The Great Migration
The movement of 6 million blacks out of the South to the urban Northeast, Midwest and west -
Federal Reserve System
The Central Banking System of The United States -
First Red Scare
Worldwide communist revolution that spreaded across the country. -
Jazz Music
Evolution of music from African Americans -
The Prohibiting of all alchohol consumption to all Americans. -
Warren G. Hardings Speech
Wanted everything to return to the way it was before World War 1 -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
A bribery scandel for oil. -
Scopes Monkey Trial
A High school science teacher is accused of teaching evolution which is a violation of a Tennessee state law. -
Relief, Recovery, Reform
Was a new deal made for people in need of food money and other problems that they needed help in. -
The Great Depression
The longest lasting downfall in the history of the Western Industrialzation. -
Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday"
Investors trade over 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost, -
The Dust Bowl
The period known as the dirty thirties was a time where kland was dry because of long drought periods -
Harlem Renaissance
During this period Harlem was a cultural mega. It drew in black writers, artists, musicians, photographers, poets, and scholars. Happened towards the end of World War 1 -
The New Deal
A series of Programs to help Americans -
20th Amendment
This sets the dates at which federal government elected offices end. Also defines who succeeds the president if they die. -
Tennessee Valley Authority
To provide navigation, flood control and other utility things to help society. -
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Was made to maintain stability and public confidence. -
21st Amendment
The amendment that took the 18th amendment away. which had to do with prohibition -
Made for security laws for things of that nature -
This consist of retirement disabilities and survivor benifits.