Constitution formally put into effect. Judiciary Act of 1789
First official census
Toussanint LOuverture launches Haitian. Revolution
Bill of Rights adopted. vermont becomes fourteenth state.Bank of th eUnited states created.Excise tax passed
washington reelected president
Period: to
Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties formed
Louis XVI beheaded; radical phase of French Revolution.
Whiskey Rebellion. Battle of Fallen Timbers. Jay's treaty with Britain
Treaty of Greenville: Indians cede Ohio. Pinckney's Treaty with spain
Washington's Farewell Address
Adams becomes president. XYZ Affair
Alien and sedition Acts
Period: to
Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
Period: to
Undeclared war with France
Jefferson defeats Adams for presidency
Convention of 1800: Peace with France
Judiciary Act of 1801
Period: to
Naval war with Tripoli
Revised naturalization law. Judicary Act of 1801 repealed.
Marbury v. Madison. Louisiana Purchase
Haiti emerges as first independent black republic. Jefferson reelected president.Impeachment of Justice Chase.
Period: to
Lewis and Clark expedition
Peace treaty with Tripoli. Battle of Trafalgar. Battle of Austerlitz
Pike's explorations
Period: to
Pike's explorations
Burr treason trial
Chesapeake affair. Embargo Act
Madison elected president
Non-Intercourse Act replaces Embargo Act
Flecher v. Peck ruling asserts right of Supreme Court to invalidate state laws deemed unconstitutional
Macon's Bill No. 2. Napoleon announces (falsely) repeal fo blockade decrees. Madison reestablishes nonimportation against Britain
Venezuela declares independence from Spain
Battle of Tippecanoe
United States declares war on Britian Madison reelected president.
United States declares war on britain
Period: to
American invaions of Canada fail
Battle of the thames. Battle of Lake Erie
Battle of Horseshoe Bend. Napoleon exiled to Elba. British brn washington, D.C.. Battle of Platsburgh. Treaty of Ghent signed ending war of 1812.
Period: to
Hartford Convention. Congress of Vienna.
Battle of New Orleans. Napoleon's army defeated at Waterloo
second Bank of the United States founded . Protectionist Tariff of 1816. Argentina declares independence from spain. Monroe elected president.
Rush-Bagot agreement limits naval armament on Great Lakes. Madison vetoes internal improvements bill.
Jackson invades Florida. Chile in rebellion since 1810, declares independence from spain. anglo-American Convention
Panic of 1819. spain cedes Florida to United states in Adams-Onis Treaty. McCulloch v. Maryland. Dartmouth College v. Wodward.
Missouri Compromise. Missouri and Maine admtted to Union. Land Act of 1820. Monroe reelected.
Cohens v. Virginia. Austria intervenes to crush popular uprising in Italy
France intervenes to suppresses liberal government in spain. secretary adams proposes Monroe doctrine.
Russo-American Treaty. Gibbons v. Ogden
Erie canal completed