Period: Jan 1, 600 to Dec 31, 1450
china in unit 3b
Between 600C.E. and 1450C.E. Chinese ideas and religions were spread by trade and intermarrage to places they conquered and controlled such as Vienam. This trend of borrowing from china showed continuity in south east asia. -
Jan 1, 646
taika reforms (japan)
Taika reforms tried to revamp the imperial administration along chinese lines. This was setting up the Japanese government to replicate chinese government at the time. -
Jan 1, 647
General population of japan shifts to buddhism (japan)
Peasants turned to buddhist monks for health issues and changes in luck . Court and aristocracy lived in fear of the buddhist monks. In the 760's buddhism almost took over the thrown when a buddhist prelate tried to mary the empress. -
Jan 1, 668
chinese writing (korea)
Korea adopted chinese writing but not speaking. The korean spoken language did not fit well with the style of writing they adopted from china. But, nonetheless, they did it. Japan adapted chinese writing aswell. Thier spoken language didn't suit it either. -
Jan 1, 900
Elite and thier religion, Teaching better than taught (korea)
Just like the japenese peasants, Korean elites tended to follow buddhism instead of confucianism. Koreans also took many aspects of chinese culture and advanced them. Such examples are pottery and printing. -
Jan 1, 918
Silla monarchs (korea)
During the koroyo empire the silla monarchs tried to make the korean government a miniature version of China's tang empire. Also, they constantly gave tribute to china. -
Jan 1, 930
Chinese organization (nam viet)
The viets saw that the organization china used for military and political purposes gave them an edge over the other civilizations who they clashed with. -
Jan 1, 939
vietnamese education and scholars (nam viets)
(939 was year that vietnam gained independence, I didnt know what date to put.) Viet scolars studied at chinese schools and wrote in chinese. They also participated in the chinese bureaucracy. -
Jan 1, 939
After independance still influenced. (nam viet)
Even after they broke free of china they still were very heavily influenced by chinese culture and political structure. They built cinese style houses for their emporers and ad a chinese style government. -
Jan 1, 1180
japanese art (japan)
During the gempei wars, in japan, many people feared that japan would go back to barbarianism. This was stopped by the art in japan, which, at the time, was heavily influenced by china. Japanese art used monochrome ink and scroll paintings. -
Jan 1, 1300
vietnamese literature (nam viet)
China wasn't viewed fondly by viets in part from not appealing to the peasants and from revolts led by the aristocracy. This negativity twords china was strongly reflected in the literature.