Unit 4 Timeline

  • England Takes The Win

    England wins Acadia, Newfoundland, the Hudson Bay, and trage rights with Spanish America after bringing defeat to the French and Spansih in 1713.
  • Almanak

    Poor Richard's Almanack written by Benjamin Franklin greatly influenced american life style.
  • Great..

    Jonathan Edwards first sets the stage for this relgious revival (Great Awakening) in the English colonirs.
  • ..Awakening

    Geogre Whitdfeild goes to the colonies from England and furhter speards the Great Awkaening.
  • Another Win For England

    The England fought France and until France was defeated and the war ended in 1763 and England gained France's land in America.
  • Proclamation

    English goverment did not allow settler sto move into to the area past the Appalachian mountians in order to avoid conflict with Natives even thought they had fought and won that land (1763 Proclamation).