Glenn Curtiss
Glenn Curtiss was an aviotor inventor. He created different types of airplane models that were used in WW1. He sold his first plane to the Signal Corps. From there, he just kept on inventing new types of planes. -
Sussex Pledge
Germany had a policy against them stating that they were restricted from entering submarine warfare, which allowed armed merchant ships, but no paasenger ships, to be torpedoed without warning. The Sussex Pledge was a promise made by Germany to the United States that they would fulfill that policy. -
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The great Migration
Horrible segregtion laws and poor economic oppurtunities caused more than six million African Americans to move from the South to the Midwest and Northern States. They dealt with racism, poor living conditions, but they were able to take advantage of industrial work openings. They made their own public space by creating their own urban culture. -
Jazz Music
Jazz originally came from New Orleans. It was developed through creating increasingly complex styles of music. It was marked by intricate, propulsive rythyms, different sounds playing simultaneously, solos from someone especially skilled at an instument, and a harmonic idiom. -
John J. Pershing
Pershing was able to lead America to victory against Germany at the end of WW1 -
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Battle of Argonne Forest
This war was battled between the American Expeditionary Force and German Imperial Army. It took place in Northern France. General John Pershing had his army launch an attack on German lines. An armistice was signed between America and Germany since the battle was at a deadlock the whole time. -
Alvin York
Alvin York was a a soldier who fought in the Battle of the Argonne Forest. He killed atleast 20 German soldiers. York also captured one-hundred twenty Greman soldiers that were positioned in the front of their lines. From this, Alvin York earned the Congressional Medal of Honor. -
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Red Scare
This was a time when Americans feared communists. They were beleived to try to obtain world domination. Since this happened, communists were not able to wn their own land or have jobs. -
Treaty of Versailles
This document ended WW1. This explained that Germany was at fault for the whole war, could have limited boundaries, a small military with no submarines, and had to pay for all it has done wrong. -
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Harlem Renaissance
This time period was marked by an African-American cultural movement. It celebrated African traditions, voice, and their way of life. -
Return to Normalcy
This helped Warren G. Harding easily win the 1920 election. Woodrow Wilson was said to bring idealism and other problem to the United States. Harding's 'return to normalcy" was created to fix those problems. He wanted to give the country peaceful political and social order, like it had before Wilson. Warren G. Harding promised this normalcy. -
Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes was a big part in the Harlem Renaissance. He enrolled in Columbia University in 1921, but left a year later because he was by himself and dissatisfied there. Hughes ended up becoming a poet, writer, and a journalist. Langston showed how Africans lived within America through his work. Hughes went on to become a college professor encourage other African youths to write. -
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The Dust Bowl
During this time, many crops were lost and soil was broken down to dust and became eroded from huge clouds of eroded soil in blew through the air from windstorms. It led to drought and family farming practices to be unsuitable. The affected areas were Oklahoma, Kansas, and Northern Texas. Many people had to leave their homes because of this. -
Charles Lindbergh
Charles Lindbergh was the first pilot to make it across the Atlantic Ocean without stopping. He was given a lot of honor from doing this, and even reveived the nickname "Lucky Lindy." Before Pearl Harbor, he was criticized because he was against choosing to take any part in ww2 -
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The Great Depression
During this time, the stock market crashed, causing many people to lose their money. Businesses failed, factories and farms produced more items than they could sell, and banks raised loans to prices that couldn't be paid back. People tries so hard to get money, they would try to sell expensive items they bought right before the crash for a price that was a lot cheaper than what they bought it for. -
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Dorothea Lange
Dorothea Lange was always interested in art and loved to take part in it. In 1918, Lange and oneof her husbands ran a portrait studio that became very successful.Later on, she got into photography.This became her career when the Great Depression came along.She took pictures of the unemployed and the farmer losing their businesses.In 1935, she began working for the FSA. She took pictures of the people she met and created portraits of them.In 1940, she was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship. -
The New Deal
President Franklin D. Roosevelt established a group of government programs and policies. The New Deal was created to make the conditions better fro those who were suffering during the Great Depression. -
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Franklin D. Roosevelt
Roosevelt created relief programs throughtout the Great Depresion to help victims get through and make their lives better. FDR is the president who brought us into WW1 during 1941. FDR passed away from polio in 1945, thus ending his 4 terms of presidency. -
Marcus Garvey
Garvey proposed that African-Americans should return back to the "motherland" (Africa).