
Unit 4: Andrew Jackson

  • Period: to

    Years in Office

  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    This allowed the president to negotiate the removal/movement of the indians to federal land. This led to the Trial of Tears situation.
  • The nullification crisis

    The nullification crisis
    John C Calhoun was a man who promoted states rights, which influenced North Carolina in their decision to nullify the tariffs of 1830.
  • The Second Bank

    The Second Bank
    Andrew Jackson did not agree with the national banks because he felt that they only favored the rich people and not the common people. Therefore, he shut down the second national bank.
  • National Debt

    National Debt
    Before Andrew Jackson was president the nation was in debt and couldn't find a way to complete pay it off. However, when Jackson came around they were able to get rid of the debt complete.