unit 4

  • First Continental Congress calls for abolition of slave trade

  • Battles of Lexington and concored. Second Continental congress. American capture Britsih garrsion at Ticonderoga and Cron Point. Battle of Bunker Hill. King Geogre III formlly proclaims colonies in rebellion> Failed invasion of Canada.

  • Philadelphia Quakers found world's first anti slavery society

  • Paineś Common sence. Declaration of Independence. Batte of Trenton.

  • New Jersey contitution temporarily gives women the vote

  • Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown. Battle of Saratoga.

  • Articles f Confederation adopted by Second Continental Congress

  • formation of French -American alliance Battle of Monmouth.

  • Period: to

    Clark's victories in the West

  • Massachusetts adopts first constitution drafted in convention and ratified by popular vote

  • Articles of Confederation put into effect

  • Battle of King's Mountain. Battle of Cowpens. Greene leads Carolina campaign. French nd Americans force Cornwallis to surrender at Yarktown.

  • North's ministry collapses in Britian.

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Military officers from Society of the Cincinnati

  • Treaty of Fort Stanwix

  • Land Ordinance of 1785

  • Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Shays's Rebellion Meeting of five states to discuss revision of the Articles of Confederation

  • Northwest Ordinance constitutional Convention in Philadelphia

  • Ratification by nine states guarantees a new government under the Contitution

  • Allien and Sedition Acts

  • Period: to

    Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

  • Period: to

    Undeclared war with France

  • Convention of 1800: peace with France.