Unit 4 (1800-1848)

  • Election of 1800

    Jefferson becomes the 3rd POTUS
  • Marbury v Madison

    Landmark case of the SCOTUS. Establishes judicial review
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Large tract of land purchased from France that more than doubled the size of the US
  • Lewis & Clark Expedition

    Group of explorers sent to explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory
  • 1804 Election

    Jefferson wins a 2nd term
  • Chesapeake Affair

    England attacks American ship & tries to impress 3 American sailors
  • Embargo Act

    This was passed to punish England & France for impressing American sailors
  • Atlantic Slave Trade Abolished

    No new slaves into the US
  • Election of 1808

    Madison becomes the 4th POTUS
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle between US army & Native Americans in Indiana
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    War between England & the US
  • Election of 1812

    Madison wins a 2nd term
  • Treaty of Ghent

    This officially ended the War of 1812
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Last battle of the War of 1812. It was fought after the Treaty of Ghent was signed. This battle gave great notoriety to Andrew Jackson
  • Election of 1816

    Monroe becomes the 5th POTUS
  • American Colonization Society

    This society was focused on creating an African nation for former slaves
  • Rush-Bagot Treaty

    This was between the US & England to demilitarize the Great Lakes region
  • Jackson invades Florida

    Andrew Jackson invades Florida in search of Native Americans that had been attacking Americans
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    This treaty gave Florida to the US
  • Missouri Compromise

    This Congressional act allows MO to enter the US as a slave state while ME would enter as a free state. It established the 36.30 as the "boundary" of slavery
  • Election of 1820

    Monroe wins his 2nd term
  • Denmark Vesey Revolt

    Failed slave revolt
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Statement aimed at European countries saying the American continents are off limits for colonization
  • Election of 1824

    John Q. Adams becomes the 6th POTUS through the Corrupt Bargain
  • Erie Canal Completed

    The canal that connects Albany to Buffalo
  • Election 1828

    Andrew Jackson becomes the 7th POTUS
  • Indian Removal Act

    This congressional act required many Native American tribes to relocate to reservations in Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
  • The Liberator

    William Lloyd Garrison begins the anti-slavery newspaper The Liberator
  • Turner Slave Revolt

    Slave revolt led by Nat Turner
  • Nullification Crisis

    South Carolina nullified the very unpopular tariff of 1832 and threatened to secede from the Union
  • Election of 1832

    Andrew Jackson wins his 2nd term
  • Texas Independence

    Texas declared independence from Mexico
  • Battle of the Alamo

    The Spanish mission, the Alamo, was overrun by the Mexican army & they killed everyone in the Alamo
  • Election of 1836

    Martin van Buren becomes the 8th POTUS
  • Trail of Tears

    The force migration of Native Americans (specifically the Cherokee) from the East to Oklahoma
  • Election of 1840

    William Henry Harrison becomes the 9th POTUS
  • The Amistad Case

    Spanish ship was commandeered by African slaves and was found off the coast of New England. John Q Adams defended the slaves in court to help them gain their freedom. SCOTUS granted freedom to the slaves