
Unit 3 WW1 timeline

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated via gunshots just hours after they escaped from another assassination attempt by a bomb. He was killed by an Bosnian Serb student named Gavrilo Princip, also known as the Black Hand. He was assassinated because was a threat to Serbian independence.
  • Germany declared war on France

    Germany declared war on France
    After the assassination, Austria declared war on Serbia, then Russia joined the war which then France joined then Germany declared war on France, leading all of them to declare war on each other
  • Lusitana

    German submarine shoots down a British passenger liner, killing British civilians and also killing 128 Americans. This angered the U.S but the U.S kept it's peace and not go into the war.
  • Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
    Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary after the allied powers proposed Italy a offer saying if they helped defeat the central powers, they would get a piece of Austria-Hungary.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Germany begins the attack on Verdun. This was a battle between the Germans and the French. It was one of the longest,bloodiest and most ferocious battles. There were 400,000 French casaulities and 350,000 German casaulities . This battle ended on December 18,1916.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The battle of Somme was a battle on the western front with it's fighters being British and French forces fighting against German forces. This battle last 5 months long, over one million casulties. 420,000 British casulties, 200,000 French, and 450,000 German casualties. This battle ended on November 18, 1916.
  • Germany going back to unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germany going back to unrestricted submarine warfare
    Germany goes back to attacking boats with their u-boats after they sunk the Lusitania which was bringing down the relationship with the U.S. Even though they were told to stop after they killed innocent lives they just continued to go back at it.
  • U.S declares war on Germany

    U.S declares war on Germany
    The U.S declares war on Germany after issues with their u-boats sinking their ships after they were told to stop sinking innocent ships which also had americans on the ship, which therefore was also bringing down the relationship between them slowly overtime.
  • U.S forces arrive in Britain

    U.S forces arrive in Britain
    U.S forces arrive in Britain 2 months after declaring war on Germany. General John J. Pershing, the commander of the American Expeditionary Forces, arrives in England with his staff. These forces helped Britain with maintaining the front line and staging attacks on the Germans.
  • American forces arrive in France

    American forces arrive in France
    When this batch of American soldiers arrived in France, there were only 14,000 soldiers there. But later on there would be 1 million troops stationed in France. These troops would be stationed in Nancy, France and proved useful at Catingy.
  • Russia signs armistice with Germany

    Russia signs armistice with Germany
    Russia signs an armistice with Germany to ceasefire in exchange of large areas of Russian territory. Which left the Germans without to fight on both fronts.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This treaty between Russia and Germany was a win for both sides. Germany gains money and territory for the war, and Russia is no longer fighting in the war so it ensures the safety of Russia and it's citizens.
  • Armistice of Compiègne

    Armistice of Compiègne
    This armistice was signed my the marshal of France, Ferdinand Foch along with other allied forces including Germany too. This armistice ended all of the fighting on land, sea, and air fights. So this was the armistice that ended WW1.
  • Paris peace conference

    Paris peace conference
    This conference was to establish a treaty between all the nations. The people involved in this conference were the Big 4, which are Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando of Italy, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the U.S
  • Treaty of Versailes

    Treaty of Versailes
    This was the treaty that actually ended WW1. The allied forces and Germany signed this treaty but this treaty was also very unfair to Germany. This treaty meant if Germany signed it, they would be blamed for the whole cause of WW1. They also had to give back all the land they have taken in the war, and they also had to give up 13% of their pre war territory.