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Unit 3 Timeline Project

By mowwww
  • The Assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand
    Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were invited to visit Bosina, Sarajevo. They were told that the area has terrorist activity by a group called "Black Hand". They went anyway. On their way they were thrown a bomb by an agent called Nedjelko Cabrinnoyic. They both survived. On their way back Ferdinand and his wife took a wrong turn to a side street. Someone named Gavrilo Princip was waiting for them with a gun. He fired at them, they both passed away before reaching a hospital.
  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    Austria declares war on Serbia
    A month after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie the government of Austria Hungary declare war on Serbia. This caused other European countries to declare war on each other after a period of six days. This caused more countries to join the war and it grew bigger on both sides. This was the start of the fighting of WWI.
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    The First World War that has cost the lives of millions of people. A bunch of blood has been shed as it lasted for multiple years. It has some of the most dangerous battles like the Battle of Verdun and Somme. Germany was heavily in dept afterwards and accepted responsibly for the war by force.
  • Battle of Tannenburg

    Battle of Tannenburg
    The Battle of Tannenburg was fought between Germany and Russia. The battle is also knows as the second Battle Tannenburg. The battle resulted is Russia's army being completely destroyed resulting in Germany's victory. It had also resulted in the suicide of its commanding general Alexander Samsonov.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    The first battle Marne was fought between Germany and France. The French suffered 250,000 casualties while the Germans suffered the same amount as well. The French had managed to save their capital city Paris from capture which renewed their confidence to continue in the war. The French had a victory for the first battle of Marne.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    The Christmas Truce was a day on Christmas eve when the soldiers on either side had a temporary truce with each other. They took this day to celebrate Christmas amongst themselves. Soldiers from other sides got up from no man's land to shake hands and greet each other. They sometimes exchanged things. It was only the British and German troops who participated in the truce. The commanders tried making them shoot but most fired at the air.
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a British owned passenger ship that held 1,200 people. It held 128 Americans. As the ship was near British war ground the Germans sank it because they first pledged to attack any ship near Britain even if it was a passenger ship. Americans were outraged from the news yet continued to remain neutral despite the causalities.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was fought against the Germans and French. It was the longest and deadliest battle of WWI. French had 400,000 casualties in 10 months, the Germans had almost as many. The purpose of the Battle of Verdun was for Germans to completely drain French of it's reasources to slow them down in the war. They used a tactic called total war which was using everyting they had and sacrificing their resources to win the war.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The Battle of Jutland was fought between British and German ships. It was the largest naval battle of World War I. The British ended up succeeding in the Battle of Jutland and secured its control of shipping lanes. It also contributed to Germany's eventual defeat in WWI. German casualties were 2,551 while the numbers for the British were 6,097.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Battle of Somme was fought against the Germans and British. Britain's goal was to drive away the German troops from Verdun. British has suffered nearly 19,000 casualties on the first day. It was one of the bloodiest battles of WWI due to compact land and destrucive modern weaponry caused the high casualty rates in Somme.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was a telegram send by Germany to Mexico. They asked for Mexico's help to try to retrieve American land for themselves. Yet Mexico refused to join the war or help Germany. Germany's goal was to drive America away from Europe. When the US found out they were furious. This was their last straw since The Lusitania. Soon after they declared war on Germany.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolshevik Revolution was one of the main reasons Russia withdrew from war in 1917. The citizens who rebelled had caused much chaos and Russia needed soldiers to prevent from revolution from happening. Russia fought on the Eastern Front which meant the other side had no one else to fight. The Eastern Front was no more but laughed new offense in the Western Front. They lost 800,000 troops.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    The Battle of Cantigny was fought against Germany and French with America's help. It was the first major battle and offense for Americans in World War I. The United States won with France in the Battle of Cantigny. This benefited the US to make them look good in front of the Allies and gain their trust. It also deprived Germans from territory on the Western Front.
  • Battle of Amiens

    Battle of Amiens
    The Battle of Amiens was fought between The Germans and British. It is also called the Third Battle of Picardy. The casualties were 19,000 allied soldiers and more than 26,000 German soldiers. The Allied forces manged to pull a victory. In three days the Allies advanced 8 miles which was considered a huge achievement in a war.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    Armistice Day was on the 11th month on the 11th day on the 11th hour. It was the end to the fighting of WWI for everyone. It was an agreement to end the fighting for World War I and peace negotiations. It was later named veterans day and became a holiday for the United States for veterans who fought in WWI. Permanent peace happened after Armistice agreement, yet the Treaty of Versailles was what officially ended WWI.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed to officially end WWI. Negotiations began in January of 1919 to June. Germans were not invited to the meetings. In the meetings there was the Big Four. USA, Great Britain, France, and Italy. Each country had their own goals for the treaty that benefited themselves. The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to take responsibility and pay for the war as well as give up some of their land. It limited Germany's military to 100,000 with no subs, tanks, or planes.