Unit 3 timeline

  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was caused because of the crash of Wall Street and also a "tariff war" between nations in the 1920's which hindered trade. The surpluses and underconsumption furthered this economic stress. The Great depression had many consequences like unemployment, decrease in trade, and increasing international tensions. This caused many future problems for the world and is also seen as the reasoning for most conflicts, especially World War 2.
  • Manchuria Crisis

    Japanese expansion in East Asia was becoming a concern to the USA and European nations, which saw Japan's interest in China as a threat to their own trading rights. In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria. China appealed to the League which ordered Japan to withdraw. Japan refused to follow the orders of the League and continued the occupation. The League was supposed to take action but Britain and France were unwilling to go to war for this issue. Thus, the league could do nothing.
  • World Disarmament Conference

    This conference was held to try and convince many nations to disarm in a way to keep peace. This however failed for 3 major reasons. The League had failed to stop Japan in Manchuria in 1933 and shortly after Japan withdrew from the League. Nations wanted to be able to protect themselves and thus wanted to keep their arms. Many nations were scared of Hitler's rise and didn't want to disarm in order to protect themselves. The Great depressions impact was also a reason for np disarmament.
  • Anglo-German Agreement

    Britain (while being a member of the Stresa Front) and Germany made this agreement. Germany agreed that they would limit it's navy to 35% of the Britsh's army. This secured Britain's army superiority but went against the Treaty of Versailles. Without Britains opposition, Hitler continued to expand his army, built more battleships, and began the process of developing a larger and more efficient air force.
  • Remilitarization of Rhineland

    This was an important stage in Hitlers power for rebuilding Germany. The construction in the Rhineland would allow him to stop any French attempts to invade Germany. This was one of the first acts that showed how Hitler true acts and allowed Britain and France to become worried.
  • The Spanish Civil War.

    This war broke out due to The spanish republican government appealing to the league about an Nationalist uprising. Britain and France suggested to have a non-intervernetion committee. This did not stand since it was clear Germany and Italy began to help the Nationalist. This justified the league to intervene but they did not. They stated their was no evidence for this but in reality they just didn't want to go to war. This was seen as one of the Leagues weakness.
  • Germany occupies Austria

    The main reasoning for Germany occupying Austria was to achieve Hitlers plan of Anschluss. Schuschnigg (the chancellor of Austria) was alarmed by the activities of Austrian Nazis so he requested to have a meeting with Hitler. If Schuschnigg's appeal was endorsed by a large majority he would be able to change his mind about his agreement with Hitler. This posed as a problem for Hitler and so he dropped his policy and ordered a German troop to occupy Austria.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Hitler was sure that Britain and France would do nothing when it came to Poland and saw the USSR as his only obstacle. This was because the USSR had historic claims on Poland. Stalin's failure with having an alliance with Britain and France cause him to want an alliance with someone else. On August 24th 1939 Germany and the USSR signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact. It was a mutual pledge not to attack each other and extended trade links. It was also a secret pledge that allowed Germany to invade Poland
  • Germany's invasion of Poland

    After recicving Czechoslovakia, Hitler turned his interest to Poland. In April 1939, he damaged Danzig be given back to Germany and German be allowed to across the Polish border. These demands by Hitler were in violation of the Paris peace settlement and the non-aggression treaty Germany signed with Poland in 1934. On Spetmeber 1st, 1939, German troops invaded and occupied Poland. This was one of the main triggers of the second world war.
  • The Stresa Front

    Britain, France and Italy in reaction to Hitler's rearmament policies met up in Stresa, Italy where they formed an agreement know as the Stresa Front. It's main aims were to restore the Lacarno treaties, keep Austria independent and stop any future attempts to change the Treaty of Versailles. This agreement was seen as weak since it was very vague and the only way to stop Hitler from fufilling his rearmament plans they would have to do a full-scale invasion.