Joseph's Unit 3 Timeline

By dispeap
  • Period: to

    World Disarmament Conference

    The purpose of this conference was trying to get nations to disarm, to lower tensions and possibly avoid a future war.
  • Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance

    France and Soviet signed a pact where both sides agreed to help the other in event with Germany
  • Italy invaded Abysssinia

    Italy wanted to invade Abyssinia, but the League advised them not to do it. Italy still did it and then the League put sanctions on Italy which annoyed them, and made them leave the League in 1937
  • Remilitarization of the Rhineland

    In the Treaty of Versailles, it forbid Germany from remilitarizing the Rhineland, but it defied the treaty and did it anyways. This started making other European nations start fearing Germany over the USSR which was seen as a bigger threat before then
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    Spanish Civil War

    A war fought between the Republican government and the nationalist who were influenced by Nazism and Fascism. The League made a non intervention agreement so nations wouldnt influence the war, but since Germany and Italy had left the League, they didnt follow this and supplied the nationalist with weapons which helped aid them in their victory.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    This is a pact between Germany and Italy that would later be formed into the Pact of Steel. The pact was just to both agree to not attack each other and was made after Italy left the League due to them putting sanctions on Italy for invading Abyssinia.
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    A pact made between Germany and Japan with the purpose to fight against Communist. Later on, in 1937 Italy joined the Anti-Comintern Pact.
  • Munich Conference

    A conference that agreed to give Hitler the Sudetenland as long as he promised not to take the rest of Czechoslovakia. Hitler agreed at the time then later annexed the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • Germany occupies Bohemia and Moravia

    Although Hitler agreed to not take more of Czechoslovakia after the Munich Conference, he broke this promise and invaded Bohemia and Moravia.
  • Pact of Steel

    This was a pact formed between Germany and Italy promising to help the other in event of a war. This was good for Hitler since he needed strong allies, since his actions were causing the League to strongly dislike him. This also formed from the Rome-Berlin Axis