Unit 3 Timeline (1450-1700)

  • 1451

    1451-1481, Mehmed ll Rules Ottomans

    • Known for conquering Byzantines
    • Attacked alot of surrounding areas
    • Nickname of the Conquer
  • 1453

    1453, Fall of constatinople

    • Taken over by ottomans
    • Shows their power via gunpowder weaponry
    • Last of the Romans/Byzantines
  • 1469

    1469 Sikhism begins

    • Signifies change in religious tolerance in India
    • Blend of Islam and Hinduism
    • Shows how diffusion leads to adaptation
  • 1480

    1450-1480, Russians overthrow Mongol rule in Moscow

    • Major part in Russian history
    • Shows the mongols waning power in the new era
    • Shows how the mongols size lead to downfall
  • 1491

    Spain Reconquista 1491

    • Shows effort of catholic church to reform
    • Shows just how powerful the reformation affected the Church
    • Can be seen as unlawful or radical religion
  • 1498

    1498, Vasco Da Gama reaches India

    • Increased interest in India for trade/conquer
    • First European to reach India by sea
    • Opened up more trade to India, help lead to age of exploration
  • 1501

    1501-1722, Safavid Empire

    • Known for use of gunpowder weapons
    • Largest Shi'a group, odds with ottomans
    • Forced conversion to islam or taxed
  • 1517

    1517, Protestant Reformation

    • First real division of the Christian Faith
    • Shows the catholic faith in a negative light
    • 95 theses written by Martin Luther
  • 1520

    1520-1566, Suleiman l rules ottomans

    • Golden Age under his rule
    • Known for growth into europe and africa from middle east
    • Led to eventual downfall however due to military conquests
  • 1526

    1526-1748, Mughal Empire

    • Known for Akbar
    • Taj-Mahal built
    • Aurangzeb led empire to decline via reversing Akbar policies
  • 1552

    1552, Russian Empire Begins

    • First time Russia is not a conquered state
    • Due to late start, Russia is behind in tech
    • Produced great leaders like Peter the Great, etc
  • 1556

    1556-1605, Akbar Rules Mughals

    • Known for religious tolerance
    • Known for conquering eniemies, but believed in peace
    • Centralized the Empire
  • 1588-1629, Shah Abbas I rules safavids

    • Known for Christian boy soldiers
    • Used Shia islam as unifying force
    • Ruled during Safavid golden age
  • 1600-1826 Tokugawa Shogunate

    • First clan to have complete control of Japan
    • Kicked Christians out of country
    • Made Japan isolationist
  • 1618-1648 Thirty Years War

    • Fought between Catholics and Protestants
    • Devolved into war for European land between European powers
    • Peace of Westphalia let each area of holy roman empire to select own religion
  • 1632, Taj-Mahal built

    • Helped legitimize the Mughal's government
    • Is a tomb for Akbar's wife
    • A wonder of the world
  • 1643-1715, Louis XIV rules France

    • Beginning of the public dissident and abolishment of monarchies
    • Led with iron fist, made France head towards revolution
    • Palace at Versailles, authenticated authority
  • 1687, Principia Published

    • Written by Issac Newton
    • Contained many things that would be applicable in future experiments
    • Wrote about gravity
  • 1688-1911, Qing Dynasty

    • Manchu lead, or foreigners
    • Enforced old Han traditions
    • Largest of Chinese empires
  • 1689-1725, Peter the Greats Rule

    • Westernized Russia
    • Known for his travels around the world
    • Created czar with ultimate power