Unit 3: The League of Nations and International Relations in the 1930s

  • Period: to

    The 1930's

  • Manchurian Crisis

    Japan seized the city of Manchurian. Which then lead to the capturing of Manchuria. Japan claimed that China destroyed some of the railways that Japan owned. They used this as a reason to invade So What, Who cares? This event showed the flaws of the league of nation. They were faced with a problem, and they could not find a solution for it.
  • World Disarmament Conference

    This was a conference that was held to discuss world disarmament. This event took place to discuss the League’s plans for disarmament. This was a good and a bad thing for the LoN because they took charges and told the nations what they wanted to do. So what, Who Cares? The Conference caused many nations army to weaken. Also, this was a step in the right direction for world peace. This showed that nations could cooperate with each other
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

    After WWI Germany argued with the plans that the other nations set out for them. When Hitler took over he did not care about any of the treaties and the limits set by the other nations. He did whatever he wanted to do to get Germany back to the way it used to be. So What, Who Care? This was the start to one of the biggest tragic events which was WWII.
  • Rhineland Remilitarized

    Hitler wanted to gain some of the power back that Germany had lost to the tool back Rhineland. It many resources that the Germans needed. Hitler directly violated the treaty of Versailles by marching troops into Rhineland. This got both France and Britain on their toes. So What, Who Cares? Germany was able to stay in the zone and begin to use the reassures that were there. The other nations increased security and surveillance on Hitler and what he was doing in Germany.
  • Formation of the Rome-Berlin Axis

    An agreement formulated by Italy's foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano informally linking the two fascist countries. It created a defense alliance between the countries and was largely intended to deter the United States from entering the conflict. Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Croatia were later signatories to the pact. So What, Who Care? This showed which nations would ally with each other.
  • Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference came as a result of a long series of negotiations. Adolf Hitler had demanded the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried to talk him out of it. So What, Who Care? This was another big step in the directions of German rearmament
  • Anglo-French guarantee of Poland

    The British government therefore gave Poland a guarantee to protect it against any threat to its independence. The French government joined in this "Polish guarantee". They would act to preserve Polish borders and independence in the event of attack or invasion. So What, Who Cares? This pact is the reason that France and Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Pact of Steel

    This was Pact between Italy, Germany, and Japan. Basically it stated that if there were to be another World War then these nations would ally with each other. Little did they know they were playing right into Hitler's plan because he was playing to do some thing that might start a War. So What, Who Cares? This set in stone the parties of WWII
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    The pact was an agreement of convenience between the two bitter ideological enemies. It permitted Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to carve up spheres of influence in eastern Europe, while pledging not to attack each other for 10 years. This all played into Hitler's plan. So What, Who cares? Hitler made this pact so that he could get the USSR out of the picture.
  • The invasion of Poland

    Germany made sure to prepare for this day. Hitler wanted Poland and he thought that if he invaded the other nations could do little to stop his. He invade and in doing so started a War So What, Who Cares? This was the event that officially started WW2