Homestead Act
something with the manifest destiny and encouraging the Americans to settle in the west
Granted 160 acres to people to buy->native land, sparked Migration, forcing natives to leave -
Morrill Act
raised tariffs + gave public land to stake for education>encouraged moving with the free education -
Period: to
Great Sioux War
Confederation of bads mass hunting> Larate Treaty ends war -
Knights of Labor Founded
A labor reform movement that fought for shorter hours, and succeeded at acheiving 8 hour work days. Every kind of worker was included: no matter the race or gender (Reference: AFL - 1886) -
Standard Oil Founded
Yellowstone National Park Created
placed exploration and inspired art and artists -
Custer's Last Stand
Gold found on Native's land, who were wiped out -
Defeat of Nez Percé
The tribe aided Americans and had a friendly relationship with them. They were asked to sell their land to Americans. Who attacked them and forced the Nez Percé to go to Oklahoma -
Thomas Edison invents the Lightbulb
The historical significance, in context of the working class fighting for unions, of the electricity is that it allowed factories to work longer without natural daylight. Factory owners exploited factory workers with longer hours. -
Helen Hunt Jackson's "A Century of Dishonor"
Indian Rights Advocate->history of advocacy as an abolitionist -
Chinese Exclusion Act
10 yrs no immigration -> stopped it because the cheap labor from immigrants and the amount of them could have and do contribute to the economical success of america -
"What the Social Classes owe to each other" Sumner
The rich deserve their wealth, while the workers are considered as lazy for not achieving wealth. -
Pendleton Act
prevented officials from putting family and friends into job positions. Rid of spoil system and weed out competition -
Haymarket Riot
-fill in- -
American Federation and Labor Founded
Sought for better working conditions, higher wage, and shorter hours. The Knights of Labor had decreased because of the Haymarket Riot. Not as inclusive, AFL disregards the unskilled workers, racial minorities, immigrants, and women. There was a lower impact and amount of members because it was limited to white men -
Dawes Sovereignty Act
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
To break up monopoly -
Sioux Ghost Dance Movement
Massacre of Lakota Sioux at Wounded Knee
National American Woman's Suffrage Association
two rival suffrage groups merged. One was collectively getting rid of temperance -
Populist Party formed
Third political party -
Homestead Strike
Ida B. Wells Crusade against Lynching
Economic Depression
Coxey's Army
Pullman Strike
Plessy vs. Fergusen
Eugene V. Debs Founds Social Democratic Party
Hawaii is Annexed
Spanish American War Begins
John Hay Open Door Policy
Guerilla War in the Phillipines
Andrew Carnegie's "The Gospel of Wealth"
The idea values hard work and perseverance lead to wealth, while poverty is a character flaw when it is actually a product of capitalism. There was a lasting affect from the influential thinking, which is the significance of it influencing the minds of today. -
U.S. Steel Corporation is formed
Carnegie's Company is sold to J. P. Morgan