Unit 3- part 4

  • 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote

    19th Amendment gave women the right to vote
  • Jazz Age began

    Jazz Age began
  • 18th Amendment began prohibition

    18th Amendment began prohibition
  • Scopes Trial (creationism v. Evolution)

    Scopes Trial (creationism v. Evolution)
  • Stock market crash ushered in the great depression

    Stock market crash ushered in the great depression
  • Hawley-smoot Act passed

    Hawley-smoot Act passed
  • FDR began his fireside chats

    FDR began his fireside chats
  • AAA was created

    AAA was created
  • FDR delivered his "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" speech

    FDR delivered his "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" speech
  • FDR began the new deal to try and end the great depression

    FDR began the new deal to try and end the great depression
  • FDIC was established

    FDIC was established
  • WPA was created

    WPA was created
  • SSA was passed

    SSA was passed