Steam boat
The Steamboat was developed by James Watt and was successful for removing water from mines. Many view this as the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. -
Hamilton’s Economic Plan
Hamilton saw national debt as a huge problem and decided to take leadership and propose a plan to fix this problem. He proposed that the government take on all the debt of the federal government and the states. -
Proclamation of Neutrality
The Proclamation of Neutrality was issued by George Washington and told the people that in the conflict between France and Great Britain, America would remain neutral and not take either country's side. George Washington took leadership and saved out alliances with both France and Great Britain. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion occurred during Washington's presidency when an extra tax was put on alcohol. This was the first tax that was ever put on a product by the new government. Conflict occurred between the people and the government over this tax. -
Washington’s Farwell Address
Washington's Farewell address was his final address as leader of the country to his citizens. He wrote but never delivered this speech. -
Alien and Sedition Act
The Alien and Sedation Acts were laws passed by the Federalist Congress and signed by President Adams. These laws put restrictions on immigrants rights to vote and formed new powers to deport foreigners. -
Convention of 1800
The Convention of 1800 resulted in a treaty between France and the United States. In this treaty they settled their differences that had resulted in the Quasi-War. -
The Election of 1800
The election of 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson caused lots of conflict between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. Both parties thought the other candidate would ruin the country. In the end, Thomas Jefferson won the election. -
Midnight Judges
At the end of his presidency, John Adams reorganized the federal court and "midnight judges" were appointed. -
John Adams
John Adams was the second president of the United States and the first Vice President of the United States. He was an American patriot and leader of the American Revolution. -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was when the U.S. bought about 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for 15 million dollars. -
National Road
The National Road also known as the Cumberland Road was the first highway in the United States that was built by the federal government. The road connected the Potomac and Ohio rivers. -
Embargo Act
The Embargo Act was formed to protect American ships from aggression from France and Britain as well as to punish them. The act forbade American ships and goods from leaving American ports. -
The Hartford Convention
The Hartford Convention occurred then the New England Federalist Party met to discuss the conflict that was happening in the war of 1812 and they discussed succession from the United States. -
Era of Good feelings
The Era of Good Feelings was a period of time in which the United States showed a sense of want for unity among Americans following the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. -
Adams Onis Treaty
The Adams Onis Treaty solved the disputes that the Spanish Empire and the United states had over borders. -
The Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was a compromise that came around when Missouri wanted to disrupt the balance of non-slave and slave states by asking to become a slave state. The compromise kept the number of slave and non-slave states even by allowing Missouri to become a slave state and having Maine become a non-slave state. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was delivered to Congress by President James Monroe. The Doctrine was important because it stated to Europe that the United States would not tolerate them interfering with the Western Hemisphere and that if they did, the United States would start a war. -
James Monroe
James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States and the last president who was a founding father. He oversaw westward expansion of the United states and also worked hard to make Foreign policy stronger with the Monroe Doctrine. -
Erie Canal
The Erie Canal gave the western states access to the Atlantic Ocean without shipping goods down the Mississippi River because this canal connected Lake Erie and the Great Lakes to the Hudson River.