Unit 3 assessment

  • The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
    Chose this event started the beginning of the war
  • Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia

    Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia
    Choose this event because they had officially started ww1 by declaring war it was a response to the assassination
  • Period: to

    Germany invades and france

    British arrive in france nations are allied
  • allied forces stop German to France

    allied forces stop German to France
    The first battle of Marne importance to the war
  • German Submarine sinks

    German Submarine sinks
    Lusltania crossing New York to Liverpool, England submarine sunk and killed 128 Americans
  • The U.S declares war on Germany

    The U.S declares war on Germany
    Finally, USA gets involved after staying out of the war they enter.
  • Woodrow Wilson fourteen points

    Woodrow Wilson fourteen points
    He makes his outline that he called Fourteen points for peace
  • Period: to

    treaty signed and Germany's final war

    Russia signs Treaty of Brest-Liovsk with Germany and Germany begins final war
  • American forces stop Germany from crossing Marne RIver

    American forces stop Germany from crossing Marne RIver
    Forces of military stop Germany from crossing this River at Chateau-Thierry
  • Germany signs Armistice at complegne ending ww1

    Germany signs Armistice at complegne ending ww1
    the ending of world war 1 that had brought closer to the end
  • Peace conference in Paris

    Peace conference in Paris
    conference to promote peace happening in Paris
  • allied forces of Germany sign treaty of Versailles

    allied forces of Germany sign treaty of Versailles
    Pledging to defend France in any unprovoked attack by Germany