Unit 3 assessment

  • Alaska purchase

    Russia sold Alaska to America ending efforts to expand trade settlements
  • Philippines Occupation

    America occupied Philippines in order to gain commercial opportunities in Asia
  • Hawaii annexation

    America annexed Hawaii hoping to remove threats
  • Cubas Occupation

    Cuba was occupied by Americans after the Spanish-American war
  • War Begins

    War Begins
    The Spanish American war begins after Spain bombs Us Naval ship
  • End of war

    The Spanish American War ends after months
  • Trade policy

    America set a Open door trade policy in China in order for America to have equal ground with other countries
  • American Samoa

    America placed power in Samoa for naval reasons
  • Panama Canal

    The construction of the Panama canal begun for economic reasons
  • End to the Canal

    The construction of the Panama Canal comes to an end
  • Policy Comes to an end

    The China open door policy came to an end after japans defeat