Unit 3-A Timeline (600 CE - 1450 CE) - Culture / Thesis: The Christian and Islamic religions constantly changed all of Europe and Mediterranean. Overtime these two religions spread and intensified with anything and everything they created.
By 699barbierc
Oct 27, 600
600 CE
Period: Oct 27, 600 to Oct 28, 700
Islam spreads to north Africa
The spread of Islam to north Africa had many effects on everyone, whether or not they converted to the religion. It linked Muslim Africa even more to the outside world via trade, religion, and politics. The message of Islam found decent holdings within African population and by 670 CE Muslims controlled Tunisia and Ifriqiya. -
Period: Oct 27, 600 to Oct 28, 900
Christian missionaries work in northern Europe
As Christian missionaries worked to convert people to Christianity in northern Europe, popes also helped in the process. They sponsored extensive missionary activity while missionaries converted English, brought Christianity to northern and eastern Germany, and Scandinavia. Catholic missionaries also competed with Orthodox Christian missionaries for boarders and countries to convert. -
Period: Oct 27, 864 to
Beginning of Christian missionary work pf Cyril and Methodius in Slavic lands
In 864 the missionaries Cyril and Methodius went to the territories of what are now the Czech and Slovak republics to convert their people to Roman Catholicism. Even though the conversion failed Cyril and Methodius stayed in these republics and successfully created and written language called Cyrillic. In the end this meant that the literacy rate would go up and Christian Orthodox ideas gradually infiltrated the Russian culture. -
Period: Oct 27, 900 to Oct 28, 1000
Spread of new technology for farming
Between the years 900 and 1000 CE surfs began to use the third field system instead of the half system that they had been using before. This third-field system worked by planting on two-thirds of your land instead of only a half, the result was more crop and still fertile land. They also invented a new type of plow called the moldboard which used a curved iron blade to dig deeper in soil. -
Period: Oct 27, 1096 to Oct 28, 1270
Christian crusades
The Christian crusades were a series of religious wars sanctioned from Christian crusaders, knights, from western Europe. These men were determined to capture the portions of the Islamic world that made up the Holy Lands from biblical times. The crusader's firsthand experiences in the east intensified their borrowing from the Muslim world. This included Muslim weapon making and fortification building techniques. -
Period: Oct 27, 1150 to Oct 28, 1300
Gothic art and architecture spread
The medieval west came to excel in religious art. Artists used religious subjects exclusively and their masterpieces were intended to worship the glory of god. Medieval architecture was initially based off of Roman models, mainly in church buildings, until the 11th century when Europeans found their own style of art and mainly architecture named Gothic. The Gothic style consisted mainly of soaring spires and tall arched windows, sometime with stained-glass. -
Period: Oct 27, 1180 to
University of Paris
The university of Paris is one of the oldest universities in modern Europe. It is best know for its theology and philosophy programs of study. In the end it became the template for almost all medieval universities that came after it. -
Period: Oct 27, 1200 to Oct 28, 1274
Thomas Aquinas and the flowering of scholasticism
Thomas Aquinas was an Italian-born monk who taught at the university of Paris. He maintained the basic belief that faith came first, but greatly expanded the scope given to reason. though reason alone, humans could know much of the nature of god. Scholasticism was the dominant medieval philosophical approach was called this because of its base in the schools. At its height it demonstrated unusual confidence in the logical orderliness of knowledge and in the human ability to know. -
Period: Oct 27, 1290 to
Beginning of the spread of Islam into south/southeast Asia
When Islam hit Asia it was the most sophisticated and widely spread or influential religions they had yet to see other that their own. They were confronted with a religious system that was completely opposite theirs; Hinduism was open, tolerant, and inclusive of widely varying forms of religious devotion. Islam, however, was doctrinaire, proselytizing, and committed to the exclusive worship of a single, transcendent god. -
Period: Oct 27, 1324 to
Pilgrimage of Mansa Musa
What came to be known as the Hajj, Mansa Musa's giant caravan is something that is required for all Muslims who a fit and able to make it. The caravan initially traveled from the empire of Mali through the Sahara all the way to Cairo, Egypt. Mansa Musa's caravan carried over 100 camels, many slaves, and 1,000's of others. -
Period: Oct 27, 1450 to
1450 CE