Seven Years War
First global war. Fought in Europe, India, and America. Provided Great Britain with territory in America and ended with a signing of treaties -
Industrial Revolution starts
Transition to manufacturing processes that created a large amount of new inventions and social changes. -
American Revolution starts
Americans won against the British and gained independence from Great Britain. established the United States of America -
Boston Massacre
Riot in the street where British soldiers shot several colonists while being harassed by a group of them. It united colonists against British -
Boston Tea Party
Colonists angry about "taxation without representation" dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor -
Tea Act Imposed
British made it so colonies could only buy tea from British East India Company. Caused Boston Tea Party -
Intolerable Acts
Laws passed after Boston Tea Party to punish colonists for their protest to taxes. Important factor leading to American Revolution -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
First war of Revolutionary War. -
America gains independence
The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Constitutional Congress -
Church Planting Movement
Church planting helped spread religion and religious ideas. It was very successful in early America -
French Revolution
One of the most important periods in European history. Monarchy was abolished and democracy was developed and civil rights were put into effect. -
Cotton Gin Invented
Machine separates seeds from cotton and greatly improved production of textiles -
XYZ Affair
Diplomatic incident between France and America. Caused outrage among Americans and resulted in an undeclared Quasi-war -
Louisiana Purchase
US bought 828,000 square miles of territory from France for $15 million and nearly doubled it's size -
Latin American Revolution
Wars of independence. Resulted in a number of independent countries in Latin America -
Missionary Movement
Missionaries wanted to aid unchurched people and spread religion -
Congress of Vienna
Meeting between European ambassadors. Was supposed to create balance between European powers and maintain peace/prevent war -
Battle of Waterloo
Battle between the French, British, and Prussians. Napoleon's forces were defeated. Marked the end of Napoleon's reign -
Missouri Compromise
Provided for the admission of Maine to the US as a free state and Missouri as a slave state to keep the balance of 12 free and 12 slave states -
The Tariff of 1828
Protected tariff passed by congress to tax goods from Europe to protect the north's industries -
Abolitionism Movement
Movement to end slave trade and set slaves free -
Indian Removal Act
Allowed the president to grant unsettled lands west of Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands that were in existing state borders -
Georgia vs The Cherokee
US Supreme court case that argued whether or not a state may impose its laws on native americans and their territory. Cherokee won -
The National Bank War
Campaign to destroy 2nd bank of the US. Andrew Jackson won. -
Women's Suffrage Movement
Women's rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, NY. Supporters worked to educate the public about women's inequality and fight for more rights