Unit 2 Topics US History

  • Period: to

    Unit 2 Topics

  • french and indian war

    french and indian war
    fought beetween england and france. fought over control of north america territories. start of war cause of a indain led by goerge washington killed french officer.
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    ended french and indian war.england was the victor of this war.french loses all north american claims.
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    this prevented colonist from moving west of the applachian mountains. england couldent offord another war against native americans.
  • sugar act of 1764

    sugar act of 1764
    this was a tax on sugar and molasses.this was established as a way of creating revenue for the british kingdoms after the french and indian war
  • stamp act 1765

    stamp act 1765
    this tax placed a tax on all paper goods including wills and newspapers.
  • quartering acts 1765

    quartering acts 1765
    quartering acts wher passed so british troops could go in colinist homes for food bed and clothing for the night
  • writes of assistance 1767

    writes of assistance 1767
    writes for a say in court without judgement
  • townshend acts 1767

    townshend acts 1767
    the purpose of the townshend acts was to tax the colonist and eventualy resulted with the boston massacre
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    the boston massacre happened cause angry colinist wher mad about the townshend acts and was throwing stuff at the british redcoats and then they open fired killing 3 and wounding others
  • tea act 1773

    tea act 1773
    british passed the tea act cause tea was to expensive so they got tea most colinist didnt like and passed heavy taxes on it. the tea act of 1773 later caused the bosten tea party
  • boston tea party 1773

    boston tea party 1773
    patroits dressed up like indiands and went abord many british ships and dumped tons of tea in the river.
  • intolarable acts 1774

    intolarable acts 1774
    british troops wher allowed to go in colonist homes and search for elegal items and untaxed goods
  • 1st continental congress 1774

    1st continental congress 1774
    met in philadelphia the virginia house of burgesses to nogoshate the intolarable acts
  • lexington 1775

    lexington 1775
    battle faught beetween 70 minutmen and hundreds of redcoats fought in philadelphia
  • concorn 1775

    concorn 1775
    minutmen reatreated to concord will british renforcements came their wher around 400 minutmen and hundreds more redcoats the british suffered 73 killed and 174 wounded. the americans suffered 49 killed 39 wounded and five missing.
  • 2nd contanainal congress 1775

    2nd contanainal congress 1775
    happened to discuse the rights of goverment and established limited goverment and the people to have a say
  • ft.ticonderoga 1775

    ft.ticonderoga 1775
    a small force of green mountain boys lead by athen allen and colonol benedict arnold tuck over the fort and tuch small cannons and supplies used in the battle of bunker hill.
  • bunker hill 1775

    bunker hill 1775
    the minutemen went on top of the hill overlooking boston harbor during the night in the morning the british went to the top of the hill to remove them their wher british suffered 800 wounded and 226 killed the minutemen reatreated and suffered few causualties.
  • common sense 1776

    common sense 1776
    the book was wroten by thomas payne for questions seeking independence.
  • battle of new york 1776

    battle of new york 1776
    their wher close to 32000 british troops and 200 minutemen under genral sterling on october 28th the british captured chattertons hill washington withdrew to new castle howe did not follow.
  • declaration of independence 1776

    declaration of independence 1776
    declaring the 13 colonies would be independent
  • battle of trenton 1776

    battle of trenton 1776
    tuck place in trenton newjersey the british wher recovering from the cristmas eve party and wher badlly deafeted the minutmen didnt suffer one causulty
  • winter at valley forge 1777-1778

    winter at valley forge 1777-1778
    unknown date win started. for two years washington and his men seat at valley forge waiting for renforcements will mant of his men died from frossbite and mallaria.
  • battle of prenceton 1777

    battle of prenceton 1777
    washington deafeted the british taking meany british soldiers lifes
  • battle of sarotoga 1777

    battle of sarotoga 1777
    a turning point of the war wher genral burgoyne surrendered to genral washington
  • battle of yorktown 1781

    battle of yorktown 1781
    the milatia finnaly had the frenches aid who blocked the harbor and bumbarded the british ships intel the british gave up it was a major win for washingtons army
  • treaty of paris 1783

    treaty of paris 1783
    it ended the revolutionary war and separated bondries the british payed for the damage they done as did the coliniest their wher thousands killed on either side