Unit 2 Project

By pbc1519
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Who?: Poland, Germany, Soviet Union, and Slovak Republic
    What?: Germany, Soviet Union, and the Slovaks teamed up to invade Poland which started WW2.
    Where?: Poland
    Why?: Hitler wanted to annex different territories around Germany to create puppet states for economic gain.
    Interesting Fact: Over 2000 tanks and 1000 planes were used on Warsaw.
    Impact on the War: This event started WW2. Because of an agreement Poland had with Britain and France, both countries declared war on Germany.
  • Britain and France declare war

    Britain and France declare war
    Who?: Britain and France
    What?: Declare war on Germany
    Where?: In Britain and France respectively
    Why?: Because they had an agreement with Poland, when Germany invaded, Britain and France were forced to declare war.
    Interesting Fact: The prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, raised his hat and saluted the crowd on 10 Downing Street the day he declared war.
    Impact on the War: This was what commenced World War 2 and 6 more years of combat to follow.
  • Hitler Invades France

    Hitler Invades France
    Who?: Germany and France mostly
    What?: Germany invaded France using the strategy called "Blitzkrieg". It's essentially a very quick attack with a large concentration of offensive weapons in an area
    Where?: France
    Why?: To prevent French and allied air power which threatened the industrial areas in Ruhr
    Interesting Fact: Paris was declared an open city and immediately removed all forces to prevent its destruction
    Impact on the War: It helped establish Germany as the most powerful force in Europe
  • Period: to

    Miracle at Dunkirk

    Who?: British and French troops
    What?: The evacuation of French and British soldiers from the port of Dunkirk.
    Where?: Dunkirk, France
    Why?: Nazi Germany's invasion of France pushed all the allied troops to the Dunkirk port, thus causing allied ships to carry their troops to Britain
    Interesting Fact: Around 338,000 soldiers were rescued in 9 days during the miracle of Dunkirk
    Impact on the War: It gave a huge boost of confidence to the allied troops and saved hundreds of thousands from death
  • Period: to

    Battle of Britain

    Who?: German and British Air Forces
    What?: The successful defense of Britain from constant German air raids
    Where?: In the skies above the UK
    Why?: Germany needed to control the English channel and the battle prevented this from happening
    Interesting Fact: One of the Germans biggest raids killed just over three thousand civilians
    Impact on the War: It was very important because it proved to everyone that Germany was a beatable force and that it was not impossible to defend against them
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    Who?: Japan and the USA
    What?: The Japanese navy launched a surprise attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor
    Where?: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
    Why?: The Japanese intended to destroy the American Pacific fleet so they could continue their domination of Southeast Asian countries.
    Interesting Fact: The only Japanese ship that was involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor and survive the whole war was the Ushio
    Impact on the War: The attack resulted in the US declaring war on the Japanese
  • USA Enters the War

    USA Enters the War
    Who?: USA, Franklin Roosevelt
    What?: American president Franklin Roosevelt declares war on Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor
    Where?: US Capitol, Washington DC
    Why?: Because the attacks on Pearl Harbor forced the Americans to join the war. They were not just going to let this happen without consequences
    Interesting Fact: Only one vote was against declaring war on Japan
    Impact on the War: It gave the allies an advantage, as they gained millions more soldiers, tanks and planes in the war
  • Period: to

    Battle of Midway

    Who?: Japan and US naval forces
    What?: A naval battle between the Japanese that lasted several days. The victor would gain dominance in the Pacific
    Where?: Midway
    Why?: The Japanese hoped to defeat the US and use Midway as a base to attack Pearl Harbor again
    Interesting Fact: Even though the Japanese were the clear favorites to win the battle, the US managed to deal heavy casualties and win
    Impact on the War: Stopped the growth of the Japanese empire and allowed the US to begin reducing it
  • Raid on Dieppe

    Raid on Dieppe
    Who?: Canada, Britain, and America
    What?: An attack on the town of Dieppe that ended in failure
    Where?: Dieppe, France
    Why?: To gain experience and test out millitary equipment needed for an attack on a French port to defeat Germany
    Interesting Fact: Only about half of the Canadians who took part in the raid made it back to Britain safely
    Impact on the War: It was a disaster but the allies did gain some intel on how to approach an amphibious attack on the Germans
  • Period: to

    Battle of Stalingrad

    Who?: Soviet Union and Germany
    What?: An important battle in the town of Stalingrad that lead to a decisive win for the USSR over Germany
    Where?: Stalingrad
    Why?: The Germans wanted to control the city because of its industrial benefits and to cut off supplies to the allies using the Volga River
    Interesting Fact: The life expectancy for a Soviet soldier in Stalingrad was 24 hours
    Impact on the War: Stopped the Germans from advancing into the Soviet Union and turned the war in the allies favor
  • Period: to


    Who?: Allied forces and the Germans
    What?: Allied invasion of the beaches in Normandy
    Where?: Normandy, France
    Why?: It was the start of the campaign to liberate Europe from German forces
    Interesting Fact: 156,000 allied soldiers landed on the beach on the first day of the invasion
    Impact on the War: The turning point for the allies in the war. The Germans were defeated less than a year after the invasion.
  • End of WW2 in Europe

    End of WW2 in Europe
    Who?: Allied and Axis forces
    What?: Germany surrendering all of it's military forces to the allies
    Where?: The Germans signed the surrender in Reims, France
    Why?: The German military was completely surrounded by allied forces and no longer had to ability to fight back
    Interesting Fact: Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30 1945, 8 days later the war was declared over
    Impact on the War: Allowed the allied powers to move their focus over to the Japanese
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
    Who?: US and Japan
    What?: The Americans dropped their first atomic bomb on the Japanese
    Where?: Hiroshima
    Why?: Because the US wanted to end the war. If the US had dropped their bomb on a non populated piece of land, it would not have fazed the Japanese
    Interesting Fact: The bomb had an explosive yield of 15000 tonnes of TNT
    Impact on the War: Was a warning that the US would continue dropping bombs on the Japanese until they surrendered and weren't afraid to use nuclear weapons against them
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
    Who?: America and Japan
    What?: The Americans dropped their second atomic bomb on the Japanese
    Where?: Nagasaki
    Why?: Since the Japanese had not surrendered after the first bomb the US decided they would keep bombing cities until the Japanese surrendered
    Interesting Fact: Kyoto was the original location for the bomb but because of it's history and beauty, Nagasaki was chosen instead
    Impact on the War: The Japanese surrendered unconditionally about a month after the Americans dropped the bomb
  • End of WW2

    End of WW2
    Who?: Allies and Axis
    What?: The end of World War 2
    Where?: Japan formally surrendered on the battleship Missouri, in the Tokyo Bay
    Why?: Because the Japanese would not be able to defend against the atomic bombs the US were producing
    Interesting Fact: On August 15 1945, Emperor Hirohito sent out a radio message signalling the surrender of Japan
    Impact on the War: This radio message ultimately signaled an end to World War 2. After six long years of fighting, it was finally over