Unit 2 Objectives

  • Federalist papers originally published

    The federalists were a group who promoted the ratification of the constitution and ssupported a stronger national republic
  • Anti federalists

    The group who supported stonger national government and wanted small local governments. They were against the constitution being signed
  • Democratic-Republic party

    this party championed republicanism, agrarianism, political equality, and expansionism
  • Washingtons Farewell Address

    Washington retired as president and in his final address he stated to not support the party system. Stating the system would be the downfall of this country. This advice was not taken and political parties continue to grow.
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Jacksonian democracy was built on the principles of expanded suffrage, Manifest Destiny, patronage, strict constructionism, and laissez-faire economics.
  • The Lincoln Party (Republicans

    This party was the party to perpetuate ending slavery. They opposed the expansion of slavery and wanted to take down the confederate states.
  • Roosevelts Democracy

    Roosevelt has been the main figure identified with progressive conservatism as a political tradition. Roosevelt stated that he had "always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand in hand".
  • Modern Republicans

    The Republican Party was initially created to advocate for a free-market economy that countered the Democratic Party’s agrarian leanings and support of slave labour. In recent history, the Republicans have been affiliated with reducing taxes to stimulate the economy, deregulation, and conservative social values.
  • Modern Democrats

    The Democratic Party is generally associated with more progressive policies. It supports social and economic equality, favouring greater government intervention in the economy but opposing government involvement in the private noneconomic affairs of citizens.