Unit 2 Key Terms

  • Naval Station

    Naval Station
    They originally started making naval stations by 1775. They serve as stationary place for inactive navy ships or a resupply base for ships, they may also serve as a minor repair station. Naval stations as well are established in other parts of the world for quick refueling.
  • Industrialization

    It's the rise and creation of factories and industrial work. It's the beginning of mass manufacturing of consumer goods.
  • Homesteaders

    It's living of in a small area, and living of what you produce from farming. As a side job you as well produce textile for your family or to sell.
  • Great Plains

    Great Plains
    It's the broad expansion to the west flat lands. It stretches from Texas all the way to Canada, the general area of the Great Plains is 501,900 mi².
  • Immigration

    It's the migration of foreign born people moving to one area, and in the case it's to the U.S. This is also the rise of migrant workers on the transcontinental railroads.
  • Rural & Urban

    Rural & Urban
    Rural is the idea of living in the country side, like farms. Urban is big cities like New York, and the difference is that people had been living in rural areas and they are moving to urban areas to join the major workforce with increase pay and a better future.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    It's a U.S document opposing European colonialism in the U.S. This document came up by president James Monroe on his seventh annual state of the union address to congress. It's pretty much a document to put the Europeans in their place.
  • Alfred T. Mahan

    Alfred T. Mahan
    Was a U.S naval officer that severed for 37 years. Is known as the most important American strategist of the nineteenth century. He wrote books, and he mentioned how the United States can use British naval tactics in foreign policy issues.
  • The Closing Of The Western Frontier

    The Closing Of The Western Frontier
    It's the idea of the movement to the west and the importance of doing so. It also caused a spread of industrialism, and creating more urban areas across the west.
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    Homestead Act of 1862
    This was the idea of receiving public property through an application given to the United States. Which if accepted the applicant can receive a portion of land called a homestead and live there, usually for a high price.
  • Civil War Amendments (13,14,15)

    Civil War Amendments (13,14,15)
    These are the amendments that reconstructed our country after the civil war. A major thing about this was that there was laws passed to protect freed slaves.
  • Assimilation

    The idea where the Minority group starts to follow and act like the dominant group. Like people who play golf are very rich.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The transcontinental Railroad was a 1,912 mile long railroad. It was constructed between 1863-1869, the east and west railroads finally met by 1869. Was the fastest way of travel in the United States to other states during its time.
  • Imperialism

    It's the idea of expanding and using the conquered lands as a way to resource the mother country. This also first started with European countries expanding around until they controlled most of the land. The United States started to become imperialistic after the Spanish-american war, by defeating Spain and gaining 3 territories.
  • Urbanization

    This is the beginning of making towns and cities more modern. As well as the spread of industrialization as well.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Pretty much the idea to remove any asian ethnic person out of the United States. As well made the Chinese illegals, and they were not allowed to work in any American job what so ever. For a short period, there was no Asians in the United States, until various other act were passed to remove the Chinese Exclusion Act.
  • Sanford B. Dole

    Sanford B. Dole
    In the Hawaiian kingdom he was appointed as a Supreme Court associate justice. A couple years later he played a key role kicking the Hawaiian monarch out of their place. In 1898 when Hawaii became a U.S territory, Dole became appointed first governor of the territory
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Journalism based on no facts what so ever but instead extreme exaggeration. Due to the use of Yellow journalism the united States was persuade to get in the Spanish-American war. But this also led to the acquisition of territories.
  • Henry Cabot Lodge

    Henry Cabot Lodge
    An American historian and congressman as well. Lodge believed that Germany should be crushed and given harsh punishments as well. During world war 1 he asked for the United States to go help and support the cause in Europe.
  • Klondike Gold Rush

    Klondike Gold Rush
    Its the migration to the Klondike region due to a discovery of major valuable gold. This as well caused a migration of 100,000 people to the region. The worth of gold that year was 20$.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    It was a war fought in Cuba, but as well gained the U.S territories, making become more of a great power and gaining its world power status. Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines were gained out of this war due to Spanish losing them. The true cause of the explosion of the U.S.S Maine, which was what started the war is unknown.
  • Acquisitions

    After the Spanish-American war the United States acquired new territories. The territories included in the treaty made with Spain are Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. This also helped the United States pursue their dreams with their pursuit for asian economic interests.
  • Missionaries

    There was a missionary movement to spread christianity around the world. Missionaries are people he spread the idea of christ through other people who don't believe in anything or believe other wise. Missionaries tended to use any means necessary.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Became the 26th president of the united States. He led his army, the rough riders, in the Spanish American, being a key turning point to winning the war. In result we got Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines out of the war. Teddy thought the best way to make policy is with aggression.
  • Americanization

    The idea of spreading American ideas around the world and not just around the United States. It's also a spread of culturistic ideas as well around the world.