
unit 13 1887- present

  • Sierra Club

    Sierra Club
    The Sierra Club is one of the oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organizations in the United States
  • Greenpeace

    Nongoverment org. designed to bring to light earth related issues such as global warming and ending things that cause greenhouse gasses and polution
  • Osama bin Laden

    Osama bin Laden
    LEader and founder of Al queada
  • George H. W. Bush

    George H. W. Bush
    President during end of Cold War, start of Gulf War. Helped economically by bailing out banks with federal loans. Helped politaclly by talking to communist governments and opening them up to trade and free elections
  • Saddam Hussein

    Saddam Hussein
    Once the an US unspoken allie. Turned enemy when tried to over take saudia arabia
  • Collapse of Soviet Union

    Collapse of Soviet Union
    Opened self up to trade ended Cold War. ended USSR
  • Hilary Clinton

    Hilary Clinton
    US secatary of state, New York Senator, First lady of the US president
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Impeached for having sexual relations with intern. never convincted.
  • WTO World Trade Organization

    WTO World Trade Organization
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    Binding contract from UN to lower emmssions and green house gasses
  • George W Bush

    George W Bush
    Challenging His Party On Harmful Ag Subsidies While Pushing Free Trade. Decapitating Al Qaeda's Top Leadership And Not Having a 2nd 9/11. Turning Independent-Minded India Into a Strategic Allie. Preventing a Nuclear War Between India and Pakistan. Boosting Aid to Africa Threefold
  • September 11

    September 11
    Worst attack on US grounds since peral harbor. Two planes truck the World Trade centers in New York City, one plane hit the Pentagon, one outside of PA. Made US change foreign policy

    Made to fight terrorism. gave the right for government to search withouth a warrent if believed to be involved with terrorist organizations
  • Innternational Criminal Court

    Innternational Criminal Court
    Gained respect and recongiztion from other countries cause theyd be following everyones law. Our soliders and Generals were open to war crimes that they would not be tried in our legal system
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    1833 people died. Catagory five hurricane. destroyed city of new orlenes due to levys breaking and floodin the city. most destructive atlantic hurricane
  • Donald Rumsfield

    Donald Rumsfield
    secertary of defense, two terms, senator of illnois one term, resigned for secarty of defense nov. 6th 2006
  • American recovery and revisement ACT of 2008

    American recovery and revisement ACT of 2008
    Thought to help the fical cliff during ression in 2008. such as creating new jobs and saying exsisting ones. Give bail outs and tax cuts
  • Sonya Sotomayor

    Sonya Sotomayor
    First hispanic woman to serve on supreme cout
  • Third Party Candidates

    Third Party Candidates
    Thought to spoil election because takes away from main canidates.