Unit 11

  • Knight labor

    Secret society with a private ritual, passwords, and a special handshake this society was important because they terrorized america.
  • Standard oil company organized-

    The significant of this event was due to the fact that around this time they had a monopoly on oil.
  • Bell Invents Telephone

    significant today as this product became a global device used even more in the future as it would soon be revolutionized by major companies.
  • Edison Invents Electric Light

    This event was Important around this time period as lamp that needed kerosene were soon out dated as they were changes to incandescent lights.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee-

    Christians joined with military men to persuade federal gov't to outlaw Sun Dance b/c they were trying to force natives to assimilate When "Ghost Dance" cult later spread to Dakota Sioux, army stamped it out in 1890
  • Gold Stamp Acr

    The stamp was provided that the paper currency be redeemed freely in gold fourth party system mckinley's election marked this