Unit 1 World History

  • 10,000 BCE

    Paleolithic Age

    Paleolithic Age
    This means the Old Stone Age. The time when early humans were learning to make and use things. You could commonly see them making stone tools and artifacts so man made tools.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Neolithic Age

    Neolithic Age
    This was the time period when they began the characterize farming. They began using the domestication of animals and developed crafts. It was the final stage of cultural development among prehistoric humans.
  • 7000 BCE

    Indus River Valley Civilization

    Indus River Valley Civilization
    It was a bronze age civilization in the northwestern regions of South Asia. It was known for developing new techniques in metallurgy. It started to decline 1900 BCE and disappeared 1400 BCE
  • 4500 BCE


    They were known for there innovations in language (some of the language we see today). They are commonly seen throughout governance and architecture.
  • 3000 BCE

    Lunar Calendar

    Lunar Calendar
    It was a chronological system based on a year of 12 months. This calendar was based upon the moon and the shadows that it would give off. It helped them know when to plant, harvest and celebrate
  • 2700 BCE

    Egyptian Old Kingdom

    Egyptian Old Kingdom
    This was known as the age of the Pyramids. The reason for it declining was the erosion of authority and the accompanying growing power of the nobility. Climate change also played a large role in the Kingdom failing
  • 2500 BCE

    Pyramid of Giza

    Pyramid of Giza
    The Pyramid of Giza is one of the the largest pyramids in the world. It is so important because it is the oldest of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, only remaining fully intact still.
  • 2500 BCE

    Polytheistic Beliefs

    Polytheistic Beliefs
    This is the belief and usage of multiple Gods. It can be seen in Hinduism, Thelema, Wicca and many more. It means that they saw God on earth.
  • 2100 BCE

    Dynastic Cycle is made

    Dynastic Cycle is made
    The Dynastic cycle is made up of 3 areas, the beginning, the peak, and the decline. Each Dynasty rises to a political, cultural, and economic peak. Moral corruption then causes it to decline and the Cycle starts all over again.
  • 2030 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Middle Kingdom
    This Kingdom had already had the Pyramids. They needed something else to be known for which was increasing stability and prestige . There was great political stability and distinct culture began to develop in the form of literature and art.
  • 1900 BCE


    Hinduism started in the Indus Valley near now day Pakistan. They are different from other religions because they believe in a vision not a founder. It is one of the oldest religions that we know about today.
  • 1880 BCE

    Judaism Founded

    Judaism Founded
    Judaism evolved from Yahwism, which was an ancient religion. It originated with biblical patriarch Abraham. It got a convent established with God that was confirmed during the reception of the Torah.
  • 1754 BCE

    Code of Hammurabi

    Code of Hammurabi
    The code of Hammurabi was one of the deciphered writings of length in the world. It features laws of ancient Babylon in Mesopotamia. The code was written on stone stele and clat tablets.
  • 1600 BCE

    Shang Dynasty takes control

    Shang Dynasty takes control
    Shang Dynasty was founded by a virtuous man named Cheng Tang. He overthrew the evil king of legendary Xia. It was a monarchy government ran by a series of kings. It lasted over the course of 600 years.
  • 1332 BCE


    He was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled. He was thought to be the son of Akhenaten. He was also thought to be the KV55 mummy.
  • 1046 BCE

    Mandate of Heaven

    Mandate of Heaven
    This was created during Zhou. Its purpose was to have the idea that there could be only one legitimate ruler of China at a time. The ruler HAD to have the blessing of God or they could not rule.
  • 1045 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty comes to power

    Zhou Dynasty comes to power
    After the Shang Dynasty was overthrown, Zhou was established. They created the mandate of heaven. They believed that the king could only rule if he received Heavens favor.
  • 259 BCE

    Emperor K U

    Emperor K U
    He was the founding Emperor of Qin Dynasty, he reunified China after centuries of divisions. He was the superlative title held by monarchies. He ruled various imperial dynasties as well.
  • 220 BCE

    Great Wall in the North

    Great Wall in the North
    The Great Wall took a long period of time to make, but the reasoning for this wall was to serve as defense against enemy attacks. Another sole reason for it was to help with trade routes across China. Now people can visit this area to sight see today.
  • First Hominid found by the Leakeys

    First Hominid found by the Leakeys
    They found there human ancestors which they called Zinjanthropus boisei. They think that it lived 1.75 million years before making it the oldest Hominid found yet.