Unit 1: Personal Development - Personal Digital Timeline

By st46
  • My Birthday

    The day I was born
  • Grandmother died

    My mom's mother died
  • Dog Put Down

    The day we had to put down our first dog, a german shepherd named Max.
  • First Day of Band Camp

    This was the day I started marching band, which has now become one of my favorite things about school.
  • My First Debit Card

    The day I got my first debit card and access to my own money.
  • Marching Band Competition Awning Collapse

    At the marching band competition at North Iredell Hight School, we were preparing to unload our rental truck of our drums and sousaphones and props, when it backed into a support beam of a the concrete awning, which collapsed and fell on several of the band students.
  • My 16th Birthday

    The day I turned 16
  • SInging at Carnegie Hall

    I went on a trip to New York with the Davidson United Methodist Church High School Choir and we sang in Carnegie hall with Manhattan Concert Productions
  • My First Car

    The day that I recieved my first car, a Cheverolet Blazer, as a gift from my grandmother.
  • Driver's License

    The day I earned my driver's license.
  • Personality Trait: Cynicism

    While I would say I have a very pragmatic view of the world, some people would classify it as cynicism.
  • Personality Trait: Realism

    I like to think that I'm a realist. I don't like to make things out to be any better or worse than they are.
  • Personality Trait: Sarcasm

    Most of my humor is sarcasm.
  • Personality Trait: Introvertedness

    Most of the friends that I have now I met through marching band, where you have to get to know the people around you. I typically don't go out of my way to make new friends.
  • Attribute: Agnostic

    While my family is Christian and I was raised Christian, I myself think that there's no way of knowing whether or not there is a god or gods, but no way of knowing if there isn't either.
  • Attribute: Musician

    I think I have some degree of musical talent, I'm in drumline and I play the guitar, as well as a variety of auxilary percussion instruments during concert season.
  • Attribute: Bookworm

    Reading is one of my favorite passtimes, especially re-reading books, something that is different for most of my peers.
  • Attribute: Meanness

    Sometimes I can be more cutting with my remarks and sarcasm than I need to be.
  • Attribute: Lack of Motivation

    I find it hard to start and finish work in a subject that I'm not interested in or don't enjoy.
  • Attribute: Music Lover

    In addition to playing music, I love to listen to it while I do almost anything.