Unit 1 history timeline

  • First factory

    First factory
    in 1720 the first factory ever made began operation in England. It was the "John Lombe's water-powered silk mill". It was built on an island in the Derwent off-site link river.
  • Britain industrializes

    Britain industrializes
    the first industrial revolution started in Britain and lasted many years. There was a lot of change happening to the country during this time. And it brought with it the introduction of many new inventions
  • Spinning Jenny is invented

    Spinning Jenny is invented
    the spinning Jenny was an early machine for spinning wool and cotton. it was created by an English man named James hargreaves. It and many other inventions helped start the industrial revolution.
  • steam engine is invented

    steam engine is invented
    the first ever steam engine was created in 1786 and had a vital role in the industrial revolution. It was created by Richard Arkwright in england. It ran on coal and was first used in textile factories.
  • first cotton mill in the U.S.

    first cotton mill in the U.S.
    in 1790 samuel slater created the first ever cotton mill in America. It was in Rhode island and was water powered. It marked the beginning of the American industrial revolution.
  • America industrilizes

    America industrilizes
    the industrial revolution reached America in 1793 shortly after the first cotton mill. It brought rapid change to America and shaped it into the superpower it is today.
  • Egypt industrializes

    Egypt industrializes
    during Muhammad Ali's rule of Egypt he decided it was time for the country to industrialize. At first it was going fine but soon many factors caused Egypt's revolution to fail. Bad leadership and lack of natural resources caused Egypt to struggle greatly.
  • electric generator is invented

    electric generator is invented
    the first ever electric generator was the faraday electric generator. It used spinning magnets to create a magnetic field that created electricity. This was arguably one of the most important inventions in human history.
  • Sadler report

    Sadler report
    in 1832 Michael Sadler ran an investigation on working conditions in factories. His findings revealed the horrible working conditions children had to work in to the public. Because of his report the workdays of kids in factories was limited and there were more regulations put in place.
  • Belgium industrializes

    Belgium industrializes
    in 1834 Belgium became the first country in continental Europe to industrialize. Like the others before it the revolution started from textile industries. Part of the reason it was the first in continental Europe to industrialize was because it was the first to get a steam engine.
  • electricity becomes more common

    electricity becomes more common
    around 1835 electricity started to become more widely used. Part of the reason for this was likely because of the electric generator starting to be used in factories. By the time we reach 1945 about 85% of homes in just the U.S. had electricity.
  • First industrial revolution ends

    First industrial revolution ends
    in around 1840 the first industrial revolution ended. There were many new inventions that were a result of the revolution. Its safe to say that it changed the world forever.
  • Sewing machine is invented

    Sewing machine is invented
    in 1846 the first ever sewing machine was invented as a result of the French industrial revolution. It was made by a French tailor named Barthélemy Thimonnier. It was well liked because of how practical it was.
  • Switzerland industrializes

    Switzerland industrializes
    even though a majority of Switzerland was rural in around 1847 the cities began to industrialize. It started with the textile industry of course but it eventually diversified. Switzerland has grown to become very economically successful since then.
  • Marxism/socialism

    in 1848 a man named Karl Marx created an ideology called marxism. It was very similar to communism and it inspired the creation of socialism. Marx believed capitalism was the root of all evil in the world and wanted it gone.
  • France industrializes

    France industrializes
    during 1848 France finally started to industrialize. It struggled because of lack of resources and poor transportation. It also brought with it many new inventions such as the balloon, paper making machines, and the steamboat.
  • Germany industrializes

    Germany industrializes
    Germany began to industrialize in 1850. Instead of focusing on textile industries it actually started with coal, steel, and railroad production. It took so long to industrialize because it had a lack of raw materials.
  • Japan industrializes

    Japan industrializes
    after being threatened by America in 1870 Japan decided it was time to industrialize. They believed in order to defend themselves they must industrialize. The Japanese revolution had changed the country a lot even getting them a whole new government.
  • Second industrial revolution ends

    Second industrial revolution ends
    in 1914 the 2nd industrial revolution ended. It began in the United States but many other countries industrialized during it. It was shorter that the first due to even more rapid technological growth.
  • Child labor banned

    Child labor banned
    after years of exploitation child labor is finally banned. The law prohibits the employment of minors under the age of 14. It also restricted the amount of hours minors are allowed to work.