unit 1 assignment 3 task 1

  • Introduction of the Boeing 747 ‘jumbo jet’.

    Introduction of the Boeing 747 ‘jumbo jet’.
    The introduction of the Boeing 747 ‘jumbo jet’ meant that it could take more passengers to destinations and was the first jumbo jet ever created. This made it so that jumbo jets then came in as a way of taking lots of passengers for less money.
  • Car ownership reached 11M people in the UK.

    Car ownership reached 11M people in the UK.
    As car ownership went up people were more likely to be able to take trips inside there own country, as a result there was an increase in domestic tourism.
  • Concord came into service.

    Concord came into service.
    Concord was the fastest airplane in the world going faster than the speed of sound. This meant that it could get from London to New York in times as fast as 3 hours, making flights quicker so that they could fit more in throughout the day. However as the aircraft was so loud and so expensive to run its only regular flight became the flight from London to New York.
  • Ryanair launched.

    Ryanair launched.
    The launch of Ryanair started the growth of budget airlines. This meant that it started to become easier for people with less money to go abroad on holiday.
  • Package holidays reached 10M.

    In 1986 the amount of package holidays sold had a huge rise, this was due to the advancements in technology at the time which made booking holidays easier. It also meant that there where a lot more people using travel agencies.
  • Worldwide tourist arrivals peaked.

    Worldwide tourist arrivals peaked.
    As the tourist arrivals topped at 400 million worldwide this was the highest it had ever been. Meaning that tourism was becoming more popular and tourism companies were making a bigger profit than previous years.
  • Easyjet launched.

    Easyjet launched.
    When Easyjet launched it started budget airlines and no frill holidays. This is also when residents from the uk started to go on shorter brakes rather than really long holidays.
  • The Channel Tunnel opened.

    The Channel Tunnel opened.
    This is a the largest underseas tunnel making it easy to get from England to France. It is easy to check in and unlike flights you only need to be there 30 minutes before your departure. A grand total of 4.5 million UK tourists use the Channel Tunnel every year making it very popular among tourists as it makes traveling easier.
  • 25.7 million overseas came to Britain.

    As 25.7 people came into britain from overseas spending more than £12 million this meant that the tourism industry was boosted. Therefore Britain's tourism businesses had a large increase in revenue.
  • 9/11.

    Tourism declined rapidly as people were afraid to fly after the tragic events of 9/11. They put more security into airports to insure that terrorist attacks and other crimes were more difficult.
  • Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami.

    Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami.
    After the earthquake and tsunami the number of tourists was steadily declining reaching 11.3 million in 2005 because people got scared to go there just incase it happens again. However numbers of tourists did rise back up to 38.3 million in 2018.
  • Global recession.

    Global recession.
    The global recession in 2008 caused many people to have less of a budget for luxuries such as holidays. This meant that there was a decrease in outbound tourism. However there was an increase of 17% in domestic tourism.
  • Icelandic Ash Cloud.

    Icelandic Ash Cloud.
    In Iceland many volcanoes erupted causing a huge cloud of ash to blow over the country, this meant that 107,000 flights were canceled. This is because they were unsure if this would affect the engine of the planes and reduced the pilots vision through the skies.
  • Arab Spring.

    Arab Spring.
    The arab spring was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions which caused tourism to decrease because people were afraid of being caught in the crossfire.
  • Brexit.

    The UK left the european union this insured that it became harder for tourists to travel to and from the UK as a result the amount of visitors to the UK dropped by 5.3%.
  • Covid-19.

    Covid caused the whole world to go into a lockdown so nobody was going on holiday, as a result travel and tourism companies lost a lot of money and some tourism companies were forced to close down.